Ako su samsung lm561c unutra vjerovatno jesu? itekako valja...driver je zvijer
November 2017, The most popular version of the famous Hans-panel, the 180 Watt, has been updated, it now has a broader spectrum. The Royal Blue leds have been replaced by CoolWhites, all White leds have been updated to higher efficient XPGDWT and some Red leds bij Amber ones. The resulting spectrum has become more natural, with lower peaks at 430 and 650 nM, more output in the colours in between. The panels are more optimised for flowering and a bit less for vegging, specially critical strains like Amnesia will produce a more predicatable result with these panels. The price is unchanged, €249,- for one of the very best, highly appreciated and widely recommended panels on the planet.
Te ja imam..prije tih su bili oni od 150wja sam prezadovoljan..30 deka panela,mozes manevrirati kako hoces,jake ledice...svaka pohvalanovi apdejt hans panela
Bravo @misel, naruđbe primaš?
@420Florist ti si prvi s bordom, pali dnevnik, koji K, kolko te izašlo?
Covijek sa informacijama koje zlata znace.Meni je jucer u jednom postu dao tjedan dana proucavanjaI jos nesto...svaki njegov "kucni uradak"je umjece perfekcionizma..Hvala beštija,