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irieman Voodoo Chile Prijatelj Foruma 28.03.2013 2.818 13.060 358 Socotra Island eelslap.com 14.02.2020 #2.861 Poslednja izmena: 14.02.2020 Reactions: KönneR, Northern_island-jonson, opa cupa and 9 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 14.02.2020 #2.862 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Papa Romeo, Northern_island-jonson and 12 others
Pantagan Form Poznanik Foruma 11.05.2015 3.361 17.047 398 14.02.2020 #2.863 Reactions: Influence, Papa Romeo, Northern_island-jonson and 14 others
Vetrenjaca123 Degustator kanabisa 31.05.2018 272 1.244 143 Jamrock 14.02.2020 #2.864 Reactions: Northern_island-jonson, Badi, KönneR and 2 others
KönneR Đubrica G 20.06.2013 476 3.862 143 New Zeland 15.02.2020 #2.865 Traži se umjetnik, koji je na zidu naslikao ovako lijep tunel, sve mu jbm.. Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Influence, Papa Romeo and 16 others
daktilograf Aktivan Član 03.09.2019 197 713 93 Somalirana de Pufna 15.02.2020 #2.866 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Shlaym, Papa Romeo and 10 others
Badi ☼ »» 113 «« ☼ Grow Support 30.04.2016 5.102 44.054 2.598 Nevada, USA 19.02.2020 #2.867 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Lazarus Led, Influence and 15 others
Stipe ☠ Urednik Moderator 20.03.2014 12.271 35.857 2.698 Weed California USA 19.02.2020 #2.868 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Papa Romeo, irieman and 16 others
Dvolicni Aktivan Član 11.07.2014 694 2.368 163 Hrvatska 20.02.2020 #2.869 To je jedina udruga koja ga je htjela primit, mozda ga bude sad primjetio i holivud ako odluce snimit novi nastavak filma "brda imaju oci". Reactions: KönneR, Northern_island-jonson, Jednomsemora and 4 others
To je jedina udruga koja ga je htjela primit, mozda ga bude sad primjetio i holivud ako odluce snimit novi nastavak filma "brda imaju oci".
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 20.02.2020 #2.870 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, KönneR, Otto Grunf and 9 others
Čupčupava Poznanici Foruma Poznanik Foruma 04.07.2012 2.269 17.196 358 20.02.2020 #2.871 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, KönneR, h0nda and 15 others
mr.Smooke_Allot Priča bez ljubavi je kao biftek bez začina Poznanik Foruma 17.06.2017 1.322 12.278 358 tamo di je Bog reko laku noć 20.02.2020 #2.872 Nisam ja kupio nista, samo se pokliklo na netu Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Influence, Vutra Dzanki and 11 others
Stipe ☠ Urednik Moderator 20.03.2014 12.271 35.857 2.698 Weed California USA 20.02.2020 #2.873 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Budfield, Influence and 19 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 21.02.2020 #2.874 Hahahaha ima tu nesto Nemam namjeru nikoga uvrijedit Poslednja izmena: 21.02.2020 Reactions: Lazarus Led, Papa Romeo, KönneR and 10 others
Stipe ☠ Urednik Moderator 20.03.2014 12.271 35.857 2.698 Weed California USA 21.02.2020 #2.875 Reactions: Lazarus Led, gica-prasica, Saša443 and 6 others
Badi ☼ »» 113 «« ☼ Grow Support 30.04.2016 5.102 44.054 2.598 Nevada, USA 21.02.2020 #2.876 Reactions: KönneR, gica-prasica, masan head and 8 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 21.02.2020 #2.877 Reactions: Lazarus Led, Influence, Vutra Dzanki and 14 others
Pantagan Form Poznanik Foruma 11.05.2015 3.361 17.047 398 22.02.2020 #2.878 Reactions: Lazarus Led, Influence, Vutra Dzanki and 17 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 22.02.2020 #2.879 Reactions: Lazarus Led, KönneR, gica-prasica and 2 others
AnnaNirvana Aktivan Član 13.06.2018 277 2.161 143 23.02.2020 #2.880 Reactions: Lazarus Led, KönneR, Mo1 and 10 others