Candy Kush i Amnesia Haze OUTDOOR 2016.

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


svaka cast tvom mentoru ali brate nije to dobar izbor za pocetak cvetanja. to ti je brate za kraj kad biljka crpi fosfor maksimalno. sada nadji crveno Plantelu, ili crveni Asef to ja koristim za moje autose sad su na pocetku cvetanja i prija im
svaka cast tvom mentoru ali brate nije to dobar izbor za pocetak cvetanja. to ti je brate za kraj kad biljka crpi fosfor maksimalno. sada nadji crveno Plantelu, ili crveni Asef to ja koristim za moje autose sad su na pocetku cvetanja i prija im
Plantelu ne mogu da nadjem gde ja zivim,a Asef cu potraziti sutra.Kakvo je pakovanje,je li tecno ili u kristalu?Da li ide u zemlju ili preko lista I cveta se prska?
mislim da grešite obojica... već dugo pratim forum, čitam, zapisujem, usvajam, čitao stručniju literaturu, iz malog mozga vadim šta sam video po hesi tablicama, tako da mislim da je za kraj cvetanja, zadnje dve nedelje, da tada treba više kalijuma.
može da bude i isti odnos PK, neće da smeta ali kalijum je tada potrebniji jer utiče na sazrevanje ploda i cveta, u našem slučaju cveta...

biljoze za 10!
Pozdrav ljubitelji dobrog dima.Biljcice su u najboljem redu.Zalivam svako drugo vece,pa onda razmutim 30 gr.
NPK 10-40-10 u 10L.vode I malo ih prehranim.Sa tih 10L.prehranim 2 biljke.Cvetovi su poceli da se razvijenija pomalo,ali sigurno.

Evo slicica od danas,7 dan cvetanja

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U sledecem updates postavicu kvalitetnije fotke,pozdrav:spliff:
Ovo sam vam dugovao na samom pocetku kako bi na kraju mogli uporediti moje iskustvo sa fabrickom deklaraciom.

Candy Kush Express FAST Feminised SeedsRoyal Queen Seeds
Candy Kush Express FAST Feminised Seeds by the cannabis breeder Royal Queen Seeds, is a Photoperiod Feminised marijuana strain.
This Indica / Sativa strain produces a Medium 475-525 gr/m2 yield. These seeds germinate in 7 weeks in September.
This Feminised seed grows well in Indoors, Outdoors conditions. Additionally it can be expected to grow into a Medium plant reaching 100-130 cm.
This strain has Sweet Special x Royal Kush Genetics. It has a High (15-20%) THC Content. The CBD content of the strain is Low (0-1%).
This strain can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions including, Insomnia, Pain, Stress. The user can benefit from a Helps with insomnia, great for pain and stress relief.
Indica / Sativa Indoors, Outdoors Feminised

Generally, even strains that combine a Sativa and an Indica background tend to lean heavily towards one side or the other in both genetic background and effect. However, Candy Kush Express FAST Version is unique even amongst Indica/Sativa hybrids: at 40 percent sativa and 60 percent Indica, this Kush strain is about as close to a true, evenly mixed hybrid that there is available. This translates to a unique blend of both Indica and Sativa effects.

The Sweet Special strain is part of Candy Kush’s direct genetic background. Among other things, this strain is known for a sweet taste and hearty, durable plants. These assets translate to Candy Kush, as the plants are physically sturdy for growing indoors or out, and the taste is always pleasingly sweet. The legendary Royal Kush is the other genetic parent of Candy Kush. Royal Kush is a famously Indica-heavy strain, being descended itself from the inexpressibly potent Afghani Kush. Both Afghani and Royal Kush are prized amongst insomniacs for their sedative effects, and more casual and/or recreational smokers note the heavy “couch-lock” present in these strains.

Since this strain does have slightly more Indica in its genetic background, a strong physical effect is present. However, the Sativa element of this strain shows itself in a heady, soaring euphoria. The Sativa aspects of Candy Kush help balance the effects, giving the soothing effects an unusual yet welcome energetic quality. This variety is gaining popularity for its unique blend of uplifting and deeply relaxing effects. The most effective medical uses of this strain are stress and pain relief. The low CBD content helps regulate the sedating effect, meaning that this strain has the capacity to relax without completely knocking users out.

It is notable that even with low CBD, the THC content of this strain weighs in at a very hefty 18 percent, making it one of the more potent varieties available. If grown outdoors, these plants yield at least 450 dried grams or up to 500 grams per plant if grown outdoors, or 475 to 525 dried grams when grown indoors. Since this is a Fast Version flowering takes only seven weeks. When growing outdoors it is best to schedule for an early September harvest. When fully grown, the plants will reach a height of up to 100 cm indoors, or up to 170 cm outdoors.

Like all Fast Versions, these Candy Kush plants make for an easy growing process. Even novice growers will find that it is surprisingly easy to quickly yield dense, high-quality buds through a straightforward growing process. Candy Kush Express FAST Version is ideal for growers who are interested in an unusually balanced strain that is easy to grow quickly in either indoor or outdoor conditions.

Amnesia Haze Feminised SeedsRoyal Queen Seeds
Amnesia Haze Feminised Seeds by the cannabis breeder Royal Queen Seeds, is a Photoperiod Feminised marijuana strain.
This Mostly Sativa strain produces a High Indoor: 600 - 800 g/m2 yield. These seeds germinate in 12 weeks in October.

After the haze genetics came to Holland and several hybrids were made, an American expat would later combine one of these hybrids with a male derived from old school haze seeds creating the Amnesia Haze. We felt our collection of marijuana seeds would not be complete without one of the best hazes to ever be smoked, so we got a hold of some Amnesia and made feminized seeds.

Our Amnesia haze is a well maintained plant growing over a metre tall, to about 2.10m. She can be grown outdoors but will require hot weather like Australia, North Africa and California, however may need to be grown in a greenhouse due to her long flower period.

Amnesia haze is one of our best yielding cannabis strains, producing 70-80 g per plant with up to 650+- g per metre squared under a 600w light. She can produce big outside, with full sun, reaching as much as 700g per plant. However extra care should be taken outdoors as this is a sensitive plant, so problems with weather, bugs or irrigation will harm your final harvest.

The only down side with Amnesia haze is the long flower time required for 12 weeks. Although this is high enough to make most commercial growers run for the hills, true cannabis connoisseurs will find the wait more than worth it. Amnesia haze is suitable for both hydro and soil grows, sea/screen of green too.

So after 4 months of growing, 2 weeks of drying and curing and your finally ready to smoke the Amnesia haze that has taken you so long to grow. After your 1st joint or bong we are certain you will be more than satisfied with the smoke after waiting such a long time. Our Amnesia Haze really is one of the best cannabis strains in our entire stock.

Every hit comes with a truly psychedelic head high, likely to send any user straight into the astrosphere. The flavour is fresh and fruity like you expect from a haze which only makes the smoke so much more enjoyable. Smokers are warned this is a strong smoke and, as the name suggests, users can often turn their brains off completely after a session.
Odmah se da zakljuciti da cu imati velikih problema zbog Amnesie,ali visina obe vrste kod mene je postignuta.
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Reactions: Sonic85
Danas saum otisao do sajta i primetio na jednoj Amnesiji sam video da je nesto zahvatilo pojedine listove,poceli su da se suse,ali ne celom povrsinom vec na krajevima prema peteljci.I vrhovi kao da su se malo sparusili.Evo slike pa vidite,ako mozete
U globalu one izgledaju dobro,cvetici su znati manji nego li kod Candy,ali to je i normalno,jer je doba cvetanja duzi i do 4 nedelje.
Evo slike cele biljke
Dan 106.

Kod Candy Kush stanje je mogu reci vrlo zadovoljavajuce.
Pokazacu vam dve bioze,od 5, a sve su skoro identicne.
Sl.1 vidite devojku staru nepuna 110 dana,i njene" hedice"stare 12 dana.

IMG_20160818_155803.jpg IMG_20160818_155813.jpg sa strane IMG_20160818_155821.jpg Vrh biljke

A ovo je druga,a sve su kao sto rekoh iste,skoro.


Svaki komenter iskusnog grovera je dobro dosao.
Obilato ih zalivam svaki drugi dan.
Pratite me I dalje,ako hocete,a u sledecem updates izbacivacu slike hedova od Amnesia Haze i recicu vam da li se sranje sa listom popravlja.
PS.Da napomenem da je u pitanju samo jedna biljka Amnezije,druge dve su OK.
POZDRAV :spliff:
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Sve već piše na forumu, koristite Search. :)
Nemojte puno mudrovati, ne treba ti Plantela, Asef, Jusuf ni ostali hajduci. Nastavi raditi kako radiš dok ti biljke pokazuju da je sve ok. Kalij je potreban biljkama da mogu transporirati fosfor do cvjetova, a fosfor je potreban za stvaranje cvjetova, kroz cijeli ciklus, a ne samo pred kraj. Ako im sada uskratiš fosfor, neće toliko nabujati u početku cvjetanja i na kraju ćeš dobiti manje.
Evo me opet drustvo,nadam se da ste se uzeleli novih slika i iskustva.
Danas je 120 dan.Candy bas lepo napreduju.Sada su usle u trecu nedelju cvetanja.Presao sam na prehranu Fitofert NPK 15-30-15.Iako su sve pocele cvetati u isto vreme neke (dve) su malo naprednije pa sam malo promenio njihovo mesto,posto mi kante to dozvoljavaju.Elem,razlog tome je da nisu isto izlozene suncu pa reko da pomognem malo.
Da ne tupim mnogo,evo slika pa pogledajte.
PS.slike su obelezene sa C.1 itd.,a pored svake su njeni hedovi.
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Kao sto vidite,skoro da nema razlike,a tako i treba da bude.
Sutra postavljam da vidite kako napreduju Amnezije.
Ako imate neko pitanje ili comment samo udri.Pozdrav i srecan growing :banana_rasta::spliff:
Brudaa lepa biljka,zdrava lepo raste i puni se što je naj bitnije..peglaj samo,ja sam išo kao i ti ff.10 40 10 i dalje s tim pa za 3nedelje planiram 4 10 40.spominjao si da ćeš ići sa više K,al ipak ideš 15 30 15 :thumb:


Aktivan Član
Svaka cast drug! Biljke su bombona!
Samo guraj napred,mislim da ti najbolje vidis sta prija biljkama i kako se ponasaju. Nastavi kao i do sada,bice masnih prstiju hehehehe poz
  • Sviđa mi se
Reactions: Igor SD
Brudaa lepa biljka,zdrava lepo raste i puni se što je naj bitnije..peglaj samo,ja sam išo kao i ti ff.10 40 10 i dalje s tim pa za 3nedelje planiram 4 10 40.spominjao si da ćeš ići sa više K,al ipak ideš 15 30 15 :thumb:
Tako cu jos dve-tri nedelje pa cu videti da li je vreme za 4-10-30
Najbolje je kod Kush bude 5-6-7 nedelja cvetanja.8-9 nedelja ide voda.Pozdrav:rasta:


Psychedelic expirience was born...
Poznanik Foruma
Tek sad vidim ovaj dnevnik. Jako lijepe biljke, svaka cast. Puno srece sa Amnesiom, nadam se da ce 10.mj. biti dobar pa da izgura do kraja. Sretno i pratim....Zivio!!!