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Zodra Smells like weed spirit 07.05.2015 820 9.462 233 22.01.2020 #2.801 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, KönneR, Influence and 14 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 22.01.2020 #2.802 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, KönneR, alive and 8 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 23.01.2020 #2.803 Reactions: KönneR, Influence, Jojoman and 8 others
PowerSeed fuckin' admin Urednik Administrator 15.10.2006 22.848 44.496 3.198 Bekaa Valley 23.01.2020 #2.804 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, KönneR, Influence and 11 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 24.01.2020 #2.805 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, KönneR, lokooooo and 7 others
h0nda "easy skanking" Prijatelj Foruma 02.03.2016 2.750 14.306 358 24.01.2020 #2.806 Ova mora proklijati Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Vetrenjaca123, opa cupa and 18 others
PowerSeed fuckin' admin Urednik Administrator 15.10.2006 22.848 44.496 3.198 Bekaa Valley 25.01.2020 #2.807 hmmm... sta reci, cokoladna ***** Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Lazarus Led, Vutra Samotnjak and 15 others
grouchy theGrumpy 16.08.2013 7.177 23.432 1.098 25.01.2020 #2.808 a ona druga, sta je? Reactions: KönneR and Infinity
PowerSeed fuckin' admin Urednik Administrator 15.10.2006 22.848 44.496 3.198 Bekaa Valley 25.01.2020 #2.809 e, ta od jagoda je samo za strumfove Reactions: opa cupa, KönneR, Badi and 6 others
Jojoman Banned Banovan 08.02.2011 2.276 11.279 358 25.01.2020 #2.810 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, KönneR, NewPlayer and 11 others
Čupčupava Poznanici Foruma Poznanik Foruma 04.07.2012 2.269 17.200 358 26.01.2020 #2.811 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, KönneR, Influence and 10 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 27.01.2020 #2.812 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Lazarus Led, Infinity and 11 others
budalin ® Poznanik Foruma 25.04.2016 2.561 13.700 358 NI na nebu ni na zemlji 27.01.2020 #2.813 @opa cupa , da ti se ona cura sto te tjerala da nosis duboke crvene starke slucajno nije zvala Simona? haha Reactions: opa cupa, gica-prasica, Badi and 3 others
@opa cupa , da ti se ona cura sto te tjerala da nosis duboke crvene starke slucajno nije zvala Simona? haha
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 27.01.2020 #2.814 Sad sam naišo na ježa, nisam ga dugo vidio.. neda se uslikat cijeli.. Odma se je krenuo uvlačit u kućicu od straha Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Infinity, Vutra Samotnjak and 10 others
Sad sam naišo na ježa, nisam ga dugo vidio.. neda se uslikat cijeli.. Odma se je krenuo uvlačit u kućicu od straha
alive Aktivan Član 11.06.2019 115 665 93 29 28.01.2020 #2.815 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Vutra Samotnjak, gica-prasica and 9 others
Himalaya ☢⌛ Urednik Moderator 10.08.2012 6.762 35.554 2.598 12 Himalaya www.vutra.org 28.01.2020 #2.816 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Lazarus Led, Vutra Samotnjak and 11 others
Čupčupava Poznanici Foruma Poznanik Foruma 04.07.2012 2.269 17.200 358 29.01.2020 #2.817 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Lazarus Led, Infinity and 12 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 29.01.2020 #2.818 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, alive, Saša443 and 11 others
KönneR Đubrica G 20.06.2013 476 3.862 143 New Zeland 29.01.2020 #2.819 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, masan head, sale82ful and 7 others
NewPlayer Aktivan Član 14.06.2018 809 5.175 233 30.01.2020 #2.820 Pa ti liži Reactions: Captain Fantastic, alive, masan head and 9 others