Foreign hippie seeking information

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden

Yes, they do demonstrate in Sweden, however not that often. It's mostly the yearly GMM - Global Marijuana March. This is an international event, and I think I saw a post about it on this forum too..?

We come from two very different cultures - you guys in ex-Jugoslavia have been ruled by communists for a long time, and demonstrations is not so common in a communist regime; of natural reasons. :)

Take the 60s for example, the hippie era. Back then everything was very liberal, and you found pot-smoking hippies everwhere in Scandinavia. Demonstrations were quite common, mostly anti-war - not so much about drugs. Then came the 70s, Nixon started his war on drugs and the rest of the western world followed. From this period till the late 90s it was pretty quiet from the legalization movement, but there has always been some active members. They have just not been that well organized. Grass-root activism, if you will. Some people gathered around the Parliament with a poster, smoking joints, for example.

These recent years things are starting to change. An earlier heroin-addict in Norway has started an organization called The Organization for a Humane Drug Policy (directly translated), and this man is very dedicated, articulate and intelligent. In the beginning, he wrote more articles/letters to the newspapers than all of the other prohibition-organizations together. A true hero who I know personally. His organization is growing, and soon it is big enough to get financial support from the government (we need 500 paying members). When that happens, things will probably happen in an exponential rate, we hope.

Peoples opinion about pot-smokers in Scandinavia is of course mixed, but it is starting to be more accepted. After all, 20-30% of all youths in the age of 18-30 have smoked cannabis. There is also a lot of TV-series with a positive attitude towards pot (Weeds, Entourage, and many many more).

If you want to become active, there are many things you can do. An individual can even do a lot on its own, by writing letters to newspapers. Remember, we have all the arguments and facts on OUR side. If you are rational, and base all your writings on facts - no one can really stand up to you - since the prohibition of drugs is mostly based on morals.

What I think you should do is of course to get organized, and start a serious organization. Write as many letters to newspapers as you can, and if you dare, participate in TV shows and debate with politicians. If you are an intelligent and articulate person, no politician can beat you in a debate.

To arrange a demonstration is quite easy. You print out flyers and posters and put them up everywhere, especially around universities and high schools. Read books about marketing, create a hype about it, inform the media in advance. Gather as much people as possible, and make sure you have all the permits you need from the police.
Šaman Šandor je napisao(la):
Dont like to be the bad guy but you did mention that you plan to grow with a 2400 W setup or 2x 600 W and it is obvious that you plan to be a commercial grower(correct me if i'm wrong) so i must warn you that we try to encourage growing for personal needs and dont really like comercial grows, its a rule for our safety and the forum and site safety.

And now not to be so gloom i wish you a nice stay in Croatia and have all best wishes

I understand why you think so, but I assure you it isn't so. I have some other reasons for this grow, as I'm planning to arrange a psychedelic festival some time next year for my friends. Since the pot in Croatia is so bad, I decided that I have to make it on my own... I am very spoiled on good pot, and couldn't imagine smoking the stuff you get on the streets here. :)


Tehnička podrška
You see, the problem about demonstration is, we do have a lot more nazi skinhead baldhead punks (and other non-skinhead people who think as nazi skinheads) than us, potheads, so police won't allow demonstrations because they (police) can not guarantee safety for protestors.

Kurblaj Kan

Aktivan Član
Great then

I just have to warn you to be very careful our police are mostly redneck idiots bent on destroying the friendly pot smoker. I would advise kepping your mouth shut about your grow, not even to friends.
Sad but true
marva je napisao(la):
You see, the problem about demonstration is, we do have a lot more nazi skinhead baldhead punks (and other non-skinhead people who think as nazi skinheads) than us, potheads, so police won't allow demonstrations because they (police) can not guarantee safety for protestors.

That is nuts. But have you tried to get a permit?

Šaman Šandor je napisao(la):
Great then

I just have to warn you to be very careful our police are mostly redneck idiots bent on destroying the friendly pot smoker. I would advise kepping your mouth shut about your grow, not even to friends.
Sad but true

Of course. That is rule number one. Any grower who does not follow these basics should not be growing at all. :)


Tehnička podrška
I think we did. I mean "we". Not crew from this website but some guys from Belgrade, if I remember well. Not sure what happened though... we'll see what will happen next year ;)


Aktivan Član
Hey Dissi dude,

I feel it is my duty to correct some of the above statements and give correct info. since forum-users here are from all around ex Yu, and legal tips aren't that precise.

Anyways, in Croatia, you won't get jailed for smoking a joint. It's ridiculous.
For 2 reasons to be exact:
1) article 28. of our penal code (Kazneni Zakon)

2) article 173. of our penal code

well, the first one talks about acts-of-no-meaning for the justice system,
and basically says you haven't commited a crime even though you have done exactly what the law prohibits if the action is of lesser danger for the system.
So basically, this allows you to have a small amount(up to the court to decide how much that is) of weed with you.

article 173. talks about drugs.
(1) you can get a fine OR up to 1 year for possession.
(2) commercial activities 1 to 10 years. (there have been cases of people growing 1, perhaps 2 plants at home for themselves who got away according to art. 28.)
(3) (2) in a group at least 3 years up to 40.
(4) providing, aquiring equipement... 3 months to 5 years
(5) providing drugs or space for others (like having ysoour friends smoke your pot or smoking at your house) - 3 months to 5 years
legal loophole - actual consumption isn't illegal

anyways, careful with the law-wise info you get here cuz many people will talk about laws in other countries even tho they really dont know them and might unintentionally give you wrong info.


Cutki je napisao(la):
Hey Dissi dude,

I feel it is my duty to correct some of the above statements and give correct info. since forum-users here are from all around ex Yu, and legal tips aren't that precise.

Anyways, in Croatia, you won't get jailed for smoking a joint. It's ridiculous.
For 2 reasons to be exact:
1) article 28. of our penal code (Kazneni Zakon)

2) article 173. of our penal code

well, the first one talks about acts-of-no-meaning for the justice system,
and basically says you haven't commited a crime even though you have done exactly what the law prohibits if the action is of lesser danger for the system.
So basically, this allows you to have a small amount(up to the court to decide how much that is) of weed with you.

article 173. talks about drugs.
(1) you can get a fine OR up to 1 year for possession.
(2) commercial activities 1 to 10 years. (there have been cases of people growing 1, perhaps 2 plants at home for themselves who got away according to art. 28.)
(3) (2) in a group at least 3 years up to 40.
(4) providing, aquiring equipement... 3 months to 5 years
(5) providing drugs or space for others (like having ysoour friends smoke your pot or smoking at your house) - 3 months to 5 years
legal loophole - actual consumption isn't illegal

anyways, careful with the law-wise info you get here cuz many people will talk about laws in other countries even tho they really dont know them and might unintentionally give you wrong info.



Thank you so much. Now I can relax a little bit more. Could I ask you; is it normal that people in Croatia rat on their neighbors? If for example an elderly neighbor smelled pot in the hallway - would he call the cops? And would the cops come?

balcan_smoke je napisao(la):
goooood one goood one
welcome 2 balcan


Also I have one more question. I want to buy some photo equipment, and I'm looking for a "price portal" of some kind, where you can search through the biggest online stores for prices and compare. Is there anything like that in Croatia?


Aktivan Član
To be honest mate, an elderly neighbour cant really smell the pot.....and moreover they wouldn't know it is pot, even if you're doing an indoor.
There are a few problems though.....first of which would be the overall mentality of local denizens. I understand that its not that smart to reveal your location, even city wise, but lets say, hypothetically, you live in Zagreb. One of the worst qualities of locals is putting their nose where it doesn't belong.
The majority of people are so fed up with the state and their stale and unfulfilling lives that they feed their emotion on other people's misery. I know its hard for you to understand but the thing is, its nearly impossible to find people here that mind their own business. Live and let live has long died and rotten here to the point that people are more occupied with other people's lives than their own. And, oh dont thing they wont gloat on your misfortune, should you ever, godforbid, encounter one.

So, you've mentioned your elderly neighbour? No, they wont turn you in for doing something illegal, they'll turn you in for the sheer fortune of having something to talk about with their friends for the next week. The same friends they will likewise rat out to anyone and everyone possible just to enjoy the same story with the other friends they havent ratted out yet.

Yes, you cant gasp now.

The few advices i can give....lets say you live in a mediocre sized building. Dont worry about your landlord. He or she will most definitely inspect your apartment whenever he or she will be bored. Is that 'privacy' going through your mind right now? No, forget privacy, there is none. As long as you rent the flat, be sure that your landlord has already been to your apartment when you were gone. And, be sure that they will repeat that on numerous occasions. Its not something you can sue them for, because, well, get used to the fact that legal system is never on your side :)
For the advice, yeah, know your neighbours. Try not to make any contact with them cause a) they dont know english, b) they are not used to talking to people not from croatia, c) they are not comfortable around anyone not croatian, d) they are not used to any unfamiliar person coming to their door without any reason (greetings from a neighbour not included, people dont greet here), e) they probably dont like you for all the above reasons

The former rules apply ofcourse, unless your neighbours are young liberal adults, chances of finding which are next to zero round here.

Just a simple "Dobar dan" will suffice. The less attention you have on yourself, the better. Once again, be aware of the fact that you're swimming in a puddle of pirahnnas just waiting for something interesting and misery giving will pop in their lives....

I'm really sorry if this had scared you, but its better that you're aware of some things...

Not all is grim though, there are a lot of people like us living here as well, but, maybe it just be a mirage because we all meet on teh interwebs....We're in fact just a drop in a deep and dark bowels of conservative croatia.... (non-capital letter intended)

Enjoy yourself mate and be careful

Sug min kuk and dra et helvete! (Two little gems my sweedish pals tought me :))

edit: oh, go to fro all your IT needs and for all your books/software needs :banana:
Haha, I enjoyed reading your post McGreggor.

It seems Scandinavians and Croatians are quite similar... In Scandinavia, your neighbor will call the parking company and report your illegal 5-minute parking outside your building on a Sunday afternoon - just to have something to feel good about.

I actually do have some eldery neighbors, and they do speak English. I met them once, and they are nice people. They are not the ones I'm worried about, though. Smell is a non-issue.

My landlord has already tried to get into my flat without my permission, but I was at home at the time and "caught" him in the act. For now I might call it a misunderstanding...since he didn't think I had moved in yet - but nevertheless - it fits with your description, and has raised my concerns. He came to repair something, so he had a reason to come. It is also stated in the contract that he is not allowed to enter the flat without my permission.

Because of this incident - and that he has seen my charcoal filter - I am considering moving to another place just to be sure. Is this too paranoid? My landlord is a true capitalist, and I'm sure he wants his money more than anything else. Keep in mind that I also have a quite "respectable" title and appear to be a rich foreigner. The landlord also likes to be very professional about everything he does.

I guess I should move...what do you guys think?

PS: Great swedish :icon_biggrin:


Aktivan Član
Nah, from the likes of it, there isnt any need to move.....If he's seen your charcoal filter, well, chances are he has absolutely no idea what it is... You should try and subtly find out how discreet he is.... But subtly as in, dont ever ask him about privacy, because, well, why do you want to know about your privacy if you have nothing to hide right? Let the time work for you...

And in the meantime, the stuff you can get around here isnt all ditchweed....Yes you ARE a spoiled purestrain scandinavia brat, but depending on your luck, you might find some real pearls around here....

You see, croatia has reverse police psychology, the smaller you are, the more interesting you are... The whole idea of local cops is getting as much measly cases as they can, busting the people down for smoking a joint with their friends in a park, giving criminal records to people they catch with 0.68g (no i aint bullshitting :))...

The most important thing......don't-smoke-outside


Aktivan Član
I would stay there and observe the place for a few weeks and see if the landlord comes again when he thinks your not there (ime probably will atleast once).If the flat suites you and has potential for growing i wouldnt bother moving yet, couse its a hustle to find a good place that suites your needs.

And like you said appearance and title mean a lot in situations like this so even if the landlord sneaks for a peak in the first few weeks and sees that everything is ok,he probably wont check on you again couse he will be thinking: this is a respectable rich foreigner guy and wont cause me problems. But it all depends on the landlord and your souroundings and you have to evaluate things.

And if your staying there for a longer time i would probably change the locks. Woldnt worry about him seeing the filter,he probably couldnt recognize the plant if he saw one, but again your call.Good luck man:rasta1:
Thanks guys. I had similar thoughts too. I will play it cool for a while and see what happens.

Say what Zabljak? Ne razumijem, you know. Molim, govorite engleski.


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