Trudnoća i duvka?

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


Constant learning
nego,u vezi ove teme.po meni je to stvar osobnog izbora.nevidim ništa loše u tom da mi cura zatrudni i da umjereno par puta zadimi za vrijeme trudnoće(naravo bez pretjerivanja).iako ako jednom budem tata onda mi neće bit svejedno rad djeteta te ću sigurno od cure tražit da se neko vrijeme udalji od vutre :popworm:
mr.skunk je napisao(la):
u trudnoci nije pozeljno pusiti jer logicno je da kanabinol
moze prodrijeti kroz posteljicu da ne filozofiramo sad na koje sve nacine

logicno je da nitko razuman ne bi dopustio da majka naduvana nosi bebu

i logicno je da na vutra forumu dobijes svakakvih odgovora

pa ti razmisli

Pa moje pitanje nije bilo dali cura može pušiti ili ne ,nego da smo kasno saznali i da je do tada pušila i dali zbog toga šta može biti!!!!!


Aktivan Član
ma to mi tak uvijek razvezemo neku pricu.....sve ok s tvojom curom i skuzli smo da naravno nece pusit dok je trudna da se mali nebi rodio sa dredovima :banana_dred:.....


Vutra Veteran
nisam detaljno procitao tvoj post vise sam se osvrnio svojim pisanjem na naslov tvoje teme

nece biti nista sigurno radi toga sto je malo duvala u pocetku trudnoce ali moja je preporuka ne vise ........
u trudnoci nije pozeljno pusiti jer logicno je da kanabinol
moze prodrijeti kroz posteljicu da ne filozofiramo sad na koje sve nacine
logicno je da nitko razuman ne bi dopustio da majka naduvana nosi bebu
i logicno je da na vutra forumu dobijes svakakvih odgovora
pa ti razmisli
mister skunk?, brisi to i registruj se pod drugim imenom.
kanabis se koristi 5000godina u africi u medicinske i druge svrhe, do sada je rodjeno nebrojeno mnogo beba od trudnica koje su bile pod dejstvom organic kanabisa u kolicini kojoj mi mozemo samo da sanjamo.
to sto ti pricas je paranoja modernog "civilizovanog" homo sapiensa.
ne kazem da nema istine u tome, svaki dim je stetan, ja npr, trudnicama pre ne bi preporucio kafu, koja iako deluje okrepljujuce na nervni sistem, s druge strane sprecava da se toksini iz organizma brzo razlazu.
logicno je da kanabinol moze prodrijeti kroz posteljicu
pa sve moze prodreti, ali ne na neki marsovski nacin, vec putem krvi, kao i uostalom SVE sto majka konzumira, jer ne zivi beba u olovnom kontejneru.

treba pogledati massive attack - teardrop
searcujte youtube, samo neki kvalitetniji snimak. kako kazu slika govori vise od 1000 reci, a u video snimku ima x slika.
ne da bih, nego bi pusili zajedno.
ali opet cu da ponovim najbitniju stvar.

sticem utisak da na ovom forumu ima ljudi koji puse, ali ni sami ne znaju sta, a ni zasto.

Zabljak 1992

Aktivan Član
balcan_smoke je napisao(la):
grdno griješiš sinko grdno griješiš

ti bi dozvolio svojoj ženi da puši travu tokom trudnoće ?

ja mojoj zeni kad bude trudna necu davat vodu sa cesme da pije a ne jos vutru da pusi...


Vutra Veteran
pa ti opet ne razumijes da je svaki post subjektivno razmisljanje
ja sam izneo svoje vidjenje ,a ti kajlo covjeku obrazlozi pozitivne stvari duvanja u trudnoci...

svi znamo da nema teratogeni ucinak ali i vecina nas zna da nije pozeljno a ti kad budes trudan radi sto god te volja :icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin:
a ti kajlo covjeku obrazlozi pozitivne stvari duvanja u trudnoci...
pa mislim da jesam u prvom postu u temi, mozda to nije bilo ne mogu sad da provedem ceo dan nekoga ubedjivati za i protiv. [uzgred gde je zacetnik teme..nestade..]
pa ti opet ne razumijes da je svaki post subjektivno razmisljanje
i ja sam izneo svoje subjektivno misljenje, ok, sorry nije mi bila namera da nekog prozivam, tu smo da pronadjemo najbolje resenje, ali naravno sve zavisi od slucaja do slucaja, toliko je razilcitih jedinki u drustvu, npr. svojoj sestri ne bih savetovao koriscenje kanabisa nikad, ne samo u trud. jer je takve psihofizicke konstitucije.
pokusao sam da pomognem iznoseci vise cinjenica, vodeci se svojim desetogodisnjim iskustvom.
samo me malo iznenadilo da je marijuana toliko misused. ili mi se bar tako cini. jer vidim ime usera npr. skunk koji je protivnik upotrebe kanabisa u medicinske svrhe. ja npr. ne koristim kokain, ali naravno da odobravam njegovo koriscenje u medicini. nazalost velika vecina ljudi nemaju blaggog pojma sta im je ciniti sa svojim telom. kao da ih je neko na silu posadio u njih, a druga stvar je sto nemaju meru ni u cemu, pa ako vide da im je od necega dobro onda udare ko nenormalni na to. i posle kazu nije zdravo, pa na takav nacin ni majcino mleko nije zdravo.
s druge strane da se razumemo, jedno je tek rodjena beba, kojoj jednostavno nikakav dim ne prija pa ni onaj cannabis-a, i do nekog punoletstva, [a kad nastupa zrelost zavisi opet od jedinke do jedinke] nema nikakve potrebe da bude u kontaktu sa ganjom, jer detinjstvo je vec jedna istripovana i blagoslovena stvar.
[kao sto je i trudnoca:) ] tako da sve zavisi od same osobe, nikad nisam bio ljubitelj generalizovanja stvari, jer koriscenje hrane, pica i opijata uvek je imalo svoje pobornike i protivnike, a ono sto ostaje uvek su bili argumenti, koji opet za nekoga nemaju nikakvu vrednost, jer njihov organizam drugacije dejstvuje)
podsetilo me sad ovo na istoriju reggae-a kad je marley preminuo od raka, pretpostavljam da je prekomerna upotreba kanabisa uticala najvise na to, a sa druge strane covek koji je bio sa njim dobar deo zivota bunny wailer i koji je verujem pusio vise od njega ima sad 61 godinu i jos je muzicki aktivan. sto ne znaci da bi mozda imao sad 81 godinu da nije pusio ..xexe.
ali zxnam ljude koji su umirali zbog nezdrave ishrane sa 40godina [moja tetka npr.][koja ruku na srce po nekim nutricionistima i nije nezdrava vec se vodi kako preporucena ishrana za nase podrucje.]
sve sto raste na zemlji ima svoju preciznu svrhu i na coveku je da pronadje pravilnu upotrebu.
ali rekoh vec.. Pan metron ariston.
ponekad osecam da nam fali ono sto su drevna plemena sirom sveta imala - shamana, koji u transu nadje problem i lek za njega intuitivno. bez naklapanja sta mu je ciniti.
zato valjda wannabeshaman1 najpametnije postuje u ovoj temi. big up bro!
mrzi me vise da bilo sta pisem u ovoj temi. pljujte me sad koliko hocete.


Aktivan Član
Ja ne shavtam zasto bi trudnici bila potrebna vutra...???
Kad god vidim bremenu zenu odma se zna da je trudna....sva sveti od neke istripovane happiness..:icon_mrgreen:


Aktivan Član
Jebote ne kuzim te starakajla.... ko ne moze izdrzat bez trave ovisnik je.....tocnije receno budala.
Dim-izrazito stetan za plod u svakom slucaju.
Konzumiranje trave i na druge nacine mora ostavljati neke posljedice na mozgu djeteta u razvoju.....jednostavno mora....ako ostavlja glazba....onda mora i trava....a kakve ostavimo strucnjacima.....jer ako sve za sad pokazuje da nema je samo zato sto posljedice nisu jasno uocljive.....

Trava nema apsolutno nikakvog loseg ucinka na odraslog covjeka.....ali samo zamislite da neku finu,jaku travu dajete djetetu od npr. 6-7g i to dosta cesto....nema šanse da bi to djete izraslo u normalnu osobu....i to zbog utjecaja na djetetu bi to bilo ko trip....a jos tolko toga ne ni ne zelim razmisljati sto bi bilo s tim djetetom... Kavu djeci u toj dobi ne treba davati zbog efekta kofeina a kamoli davat nesto jace...

Silent Bob

Aktivan Član
Long-term effects of marijuana exposure through breastmilk are unknown.


starakajla je napisao(la):
podsetilo me sad ovo na istoriju reggae-a kad je marley preminuo od raka, pretpostavljam da je prekomerna upotreba kanabisa uticala najvise na to, a sa druge strane covek koji je bio sa njim dobar deo zivota bunny wailer i koji je verujem pusio vise od njega ima sad 61 godinu i jos je muzicki aktivan. sto ne znaci da bi mozda imao sad 81 godinu da nije pusio ..xexe.

Kad je u svibnju 1981. godine, Marley umro od raka na nožnom palcu(zanemarena ozljeda prilikom igranja nogometa), svijet je izgubio zagovornika siromašnih i obespravljenih, kao i jednog od najboljih skladatelja njegove generacije.


Prenatal Marijuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica:
An Ethnographic Study

Silent Bob

Aktivan Član
Study turns pot wisdom on head
Lab rats given drug 100 times as strong as pot
Article Comments DAWN WALTON

From Friday's Globe and Mail

October 14, 2005 at 3:57 AM EST

Calgary — Forget the stereotype about dopey potheads. It seems marijuana could be good for your brain.

While other studies have shown that periodic use of marijuana can cause memory loss and impair learning and a host of other health problems down the road, new research suggests the drug could have some benefits when administered regularly in a highly potent form.

Most "drugs of abuse" such as alcohol, heroin, cocaine and nicotine suppress growth of new brain cells. However, researchers found that cannabinoids promoted generation of new neurons in rats' hippocampuses.

Hippocampuses are the part of the brain responsible for learning and memory, and the study held true for either plant-derived or the synthetic version of cannabinoids.

Rhiannon Rose, right, and Heidi Farnola enjoy pot yesterday at Marijuana Party bookstore in Vancouver. (Lyle Stafford/The Globe and Mail)

"This is quite a surprise," said Xia Zhang, an associate professor with the Neuropsychiatry Research Unit at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

"Chronic use of marijuana may actually improve learning memory when the new neurons in the hippocampus can mature in two or three months," he added.

The research by Dr. Zhang and a team of international researchers is to be published in the November issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, but their findings are on-line now.

The scientists also noticed that cannabinoids curbed depression and anxiety, which Dr. Zhang says, suggests a correlation between neurogenesis and mood swings. (Or, it at least partly explains the feelings of relaxation and euphoria of a pot-induced high.)

Other scientists have suggested that depression is triggered when too few new brain cells are created in the hippocampus. One researcher of neuropharmacology said he was "puzzled" by the findings.

As enthusiastic as Dr. Zhang is about the potential health benefits, he warns against running out for a toke in a bid to beef up brain power or calm nerves.

The team injected laboratory rats with a synthetic substance called HU-210, which is similar, but 100 times as potent as THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the compound responsible for giving marijuana users a high.

They found that the rats treated regularly with a high dose of HU-210 -- twice a day for 10 days -- showed growth of neurons in the hippocampus. The researchers don't know if pot, which isn't as pure as the lab-produced version, would have the same effect.

"There's a big gap between rats and humans," Dr. Zhang points out.

But there is a lot of interest -- and controversy -- around the use of cannabinoids to improve human health.

Cannabinoids, such as marijuana and hashish, have been used to address pain, nausea, vomiting, seizures caused by epilepsy, ischemic stroke, cerebral trauma, tumours, multiple sclerosis and a host of other maladies.

There are herbal cannabinoids, which come from the cannabis plant, and the bodies of humans and animals produce endogenous cannabinoids. The substance can also be designed in the lab.

Cannabinoids can trigger the body's two cannabinoid receptors, which control the activity of various cells in the body.

One receptor, known as CB1, is found primarily in the brain. The other receptor, CB2, was thought to be found only in the immune system.

However, in a separate study to be published today in the journal Science, a group of international researchers have located the CB2 receptor in the brain stems of rats, mice and ferrets.

The brain stem is responsible for basic body function such as breathing and the gastrointestinal tract. If stimulated in a certain way, CB2 could be harnessed to eliminate the nausea and vomiting associated with post-operative analgesics or cancer and AIDS treatments, according to the researchers.

"Ultimately, new therapies could be developed as a result of these findings," said Keith Sharkey, a gastrointestinal neuroscientist at the University of Calgary, lead author of the study.

(Scientists are trying to find ways to block CB1 as a way to decrease food cravings and limit dependence on tobacco.)

When asked whether his findings explain why some swear by pot as a way to avoid the queasy feeling of a hangover, Dr. Sharkey paused and replied: "It does not explain the effects of smoked or inhaled or ingested substances."



Pot may hike risk of psychosis, study suggests
Even limited use could up chance of serious mental illness by 40 percent
The Associated Press
Updated: 3:59 p.m. PT July 26, 2007

LONDON - Using marijuana seems to increase the chance of becoming psychotic, researchers report in an analysis of past research that reignites the issue of whether pot is dangerous.

The new review suggests that even infrequent use could raise the small but real risk of this serious mental illness by 40 percent.

Doctors have long suspected a connection and say the latest findings underline the need to highlight marijuana’s long-term risks. The research, paid for by the British Health Department, is being published Friday in the medical journal The Lancet.

“The available evidence now suggests that cannabis is not as harmless as many people think,” said Dr. Stanley Zammit, one of the study’s authors and a lecturer in the department of psychological medicine at Cardiff University.

The researchers said they couldn’t prove that marijuana use itself increases the risk of psychosis, a category of several disorders with schizophrenia being the most commonly known.

There could be something else about marijuana users, “like their tendency to use other drugs or certain personality traits, that could be causing the psychoses,” Zammit said.

Thousands tracked
Marijuana is the most frequently used illegal substance in many countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. About 20 percent of young adults report using it at least once a week, according to government statistics.

Zammit and colleagues from the University of Bristol, Imperial College and Cambridge University examined 35 studies that tracked tens of thousands of people for periods ranging from one year to 27 years to examine the effect of marijuana on mental health.

They looked for psychotic illnesses as well as cognitive disorders including delusions and hallucinations, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, neuroses and suicidal tendencies.

They found that people who used marijuana had roughly a 40 percent higher chance of developing a psychotic disorder later in life. The overall risk remains very low.

For example, Zammit said the risk of developing schizophrenia for most people is less than 1 percent. The prevalence of schizophrenia is believed to be about five in 1,000 people. But because of the drug’s wide popularity, the researchers estimate that about 800 new cases of psychosis could be prevented by reducing marijuana use.

Disturbing outlook
The scientists found a more disturbing outlook for “heavy users” of pot, those who used it daily or weekly: Their risk for psychosis jumped to a range of 50 percent to 200 percent.

One doctor noted that people with a history of mental illness in their families could be at higher risk. For them, marijuana use “could unmask the underlying schizophrenia,” said Dr. Deepak Cyril D’Souza, an associate professor of psychiatry at Yale University, who was not involved in the study.

Dr. Wilson Compton, a senior scientist at the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Washington, called the study persuasive.

“The strongest case is that there are consistencies across all of the studies,” and that the link was seen only with psychoses — not anxiety, depression or other mental health problems, he said.

Scientists cannot rule out that pre-existing conditions could have led to both marijuana use and later psychoses, he added.

Dispel the misconception
Scientists think it is biologically possible that marijuana could cause psychoses because it interrupts important neurotransmitters such as dopamine. That can interfere with the brain’s communication systems.

Some experts say governments should now work to dispel the misconception that marijuana is a benign drug.

“We’ve reached the end of the road with these kinds of studies,” said Dr. Robin Murray of King’s College, who had no role in the Lancet study. “Experts are now agreed on the connection between cannabis and psychoses. What we need now is for 14-year-olds to know it.”

In the U.K., the government will soon reconsider how marijuana should be classified in its hierarchy of drugs. In 2004, it was downgraded and penalties for possession were reduced. Many expect marijuana will be bumped up to a class “B” category, with offenses likely to lead to arrests or longer jail sentences.

Two of the authors of the study were invited experts on the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Cannabis Review in 2005. Several authors reported being paid to attend drug company-sponsored meetings related to marijuana, and one received consulting fees from companies that make antipsychotic medications.

© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Vutra Veteran
ovo me podsjetilo na jednu zucnu raspravu od prije par godina kad je tema bila abortus

vjeruj mi kajlo da ne postoji veci zagovornik medicinske uporabe cannabisa od mene ali ovo u trudnoci nema veze sa med.uporabom i siguran sam da kad bi bacili neko glasanje da bi rezultat bio protiv i to vecinom.


Aktivan Član
Bolje da se brine šta će da jede,a ako već je u dilemi što se tiče trave,pa neće umrijet sko ne bude pušila dok je trudna