Spisak poznatih uzivalaca Konoplje

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden
  • Bob Marli — kao rastafarijanac, Bob Marli je bio veliki pobornik konoplje, svete biljke. Opevao ju je u mnogim pesmava, a između ostalog je izjavio: "Biljka marihuane je lek za narod."
  • Bred Pit — navodno je raskinuo sa Gvinet Paltrou delom zbog toga što ona nije delila njegovu ljubav prema pušenju indijske konoplje. Dženifer Aniston, njegova bivša žena je pušila konoplju zajedno sa njim i to je bilo predmet mnogih članaka u tabloidima dok su bili zajedno.
  • Luis Armstrong — čest uživalac, hapšen marta 1931. zbog posedovanja.
  • Bitlsi — simboli uživanja droge šezdesetih.
  • Manu Čao — ikona svetske muzike, zastupnik legalizacije marihuane, često peva o marihuani na svojim koncertima.
  • Bil Klinton — bivši predsednik SAD koji je priznao da je pušio travu.
  • Kurt Kobejn — pevač Nirvane, koristi je kanabis između ostalih droga.
  • Džo Koker — uhašen 1976. u Australiji zbog posedovanja indijske konoplje.
  • Sajpres Hil (Cypress Hill) — grupa poznata po njihovim pesmama o konoplji.
  • Snup Dog — reper, poznat po pušenjeu trave na bini, u kolima i raznim televizijskim nastupima.
  • Dr. Dre — reper, autor čuvenih stihova "-{Hey, hey, hey, hey, smoke weed every day}-."
  • Bob Dilan — poznati pevač koji je pušio travu i za koga se smatra da je preneo tu ljubav i na Bitlse.
  • Alen Ginsberg — Američki pesnik bit generacije: "Pušim marihuanu u svakoj prilici koju imam."
  • Geri Hol Džunior (Gary Hall Jr.) — Olimpijski prvak u plivanju. Testiran pozitivno na kanabis tokom otvaranja olimpijskih igara u Atlanti 1996.
  • Džimi Hendriks — poznati gitarista, čuven po pušenju konoplje na bini i u svojoj limuzini.
  • Džim Morison — američki pesnik i omladinska ikona, poznat po korišćenju kanabisa i psihodelika.
  • Mik Džeger i Kit Ričards — članovi Roling Stonsa, hapšeni 1969. zbog trave.
  • Fela Kuti — Nigerijski muzičar i aktivista, osnivač afrobita. Prugutao je džoint koji mu je policija našla. Zbog toga, policajci su ga odveli u stanicu i čekali da ispitaju njegove fekalije. Fela se ipak snašao i dao policajcima izmet svoga zatvorskog druga. Bio je oslobođen, a svoju priču je opevao na albumu Skupoceno ***** (Expensive Shit).
  • Timoti Liri — Američki psiholog i pisac. Bio je kontrakulturna ikona šezdesetih i zalagao se za upotrebu i istraživanje psihodeličnih droga. Kasnije je prestao da puši travu, ali je nastavio da je jede u formi kasnije nazvanih Lirijevih biskvita.
  • Džordž Majkl — pop ikona koja tvrdi da puši previše konplje.
  • Karl Sagan — američki astronom i pisac, povremeni pušač konoplje koji je napisao esej o konoplji pod pseudonimom "Mister Iks".
  • Arnold Švarceneger — Viđen kako puši džoint 1976. posle pobede njegovog filma na takmičenju.
  • Hanter Tompson — pisac i novinar, poznati pobornik kanabisa, autor Paranoje u Las Vegasu.
  • Piter Toš — rastafarijanski muzičar, napisao je pesmu Legalizuj je (Legalise It) poznat po pušenju na bini, jednom je bio pretučen od policije zbog toga.
  • Šon Pol — napravio pesmu sa Basta Rajmsom „Daj mi svetlost“ (Gimme the Light) u kojoj govori o pušenju konoplje.
  • Metod Men — član revolucionarnog hip—hop kolektiva Vu Tang Klan, poznat kao dugogodišnji uživalac indijske konoplje.
  • Vitni Hjuston — američka pevačica, bila je više puta hapšena zbog posedovanja marihuane.
  • Kameron Dijaz — 2007. je uslikana kako puši džoint dok uživa na suncu.
Izvor Wikipedia.


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Evo pronasa i ja neku listu :icon_lol:

* Aaron Sorkin, creator of ''The West Wing".
* Art Garfunkel , singer, Simon and Garfunkel.
* Abbie Hoffman, Activist.
* Al and Tipper Gore Politicians
* Aleister Crowley, Author and Famous Satanist.
* Alexander Dumas, Author - "The Three Musketeers"
* Ali Campbell, Singer with UB40
* Alice B. Toklas. Famous Cook - Wrote recipe for Hash Fudge Filmed as. 'I Love You Alice B. Toklas'
* Allen Ginsberg, Poet.
* Andrea Corr, musician, "The Corrs".
* Anjelica Huston, Actress.
* Arnold Schwarzenegger. Actor. ``I did smoke a joint and I did inhale.''
* Arthur Rimbaud.
* Balzac.
* Beatles.
* Benjamin Franklin, Many claims but little proof.
* Bill "...but I didn't inhale." Clinton, Politician.
* Bill Gates. Not confirmed, just very strongly hinted at in his Playboy interview.
* Bill Murray Arrested for possession.
* Bing Crosby. Famous crooner of "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas". Now the Film "High Society" makes sense!
* Bix Beiderbecke Jazz musician.
* Black Crowes, musicians
* Bob Denver, Star of "Gilligan's Island".
* Bob Dylan, musician.
* Bob Marley, musician
* Burt Reynolds, actor. He left his first wife because of her drug use. But he has been seen in Cannabis Cafes.
* Bruce Lee.
* Cab Calloway, Jazz musician. Claimed he only used it once.
* Carl Sagan, Scientist - SiFi writer - film "Contact" More info here.
* Carlos Santana musician.
* Carrie Fischer, Actress
* Charlie Sheen, actor.
* Charlize Theron, Actress. More here.
* Charles Beaudelaire, Author.
* Cheech Marin, Actor, Don Johnson's sidekick in the TV detective series "Nash Bridges."
* Chris Conrad, Author and expert on Cannabis Hemp
* Chris Farley. Comedian.
* Chrissie Hynde, musician.
* Chris Rock, Actor, Comedian, Producer, Screenwriter.
* Chubby Checker, Musician. Sang; "Lets Twist Again".
* Cilla Black, Musician and presenter. Tried it in the '60's but didn't like it.
* Claire Rayner, Agony Aunt.
* Cody Kasch Actor. TV series Desperate Housewives
* Conan O'Brian TV Host
* Count Basie, Jazz Ban Leader. He was on an DEA file of marajuana users.
* Dame Margot Fonteyn, Prima ballerina. Also see entries for Rudolf Nureyev.
* David Bailey, Photographer .
* Dan Quayle . Politician.
* David Hockney, Artist.
* Diego Rivera Mexican Artist
* Dion Fortune Welsh occultist.
* Dionne Warwick, Famous singer of "Walk on by".
* Dioscorides Pedanius, 1 st cent. AD. Greek physician. Wrote 'De Materia Medica', used for 1,500 years.
* Dizzy Gillespie, Jazz musician He was on an DEA file of marajuana users.
* Dr Francis Crick. Nobel Prize winner.
* Dr Lester Grinspoon.
* Dr R.D.Laing
* Dr W.B. O'Shaugnessy Re-introduced cannabis to European medicine.
* Drew Barrymore, actress.
* Duke Ellington, Jazz Band Leader. He was on an DEA file of marajuana users.
* Elliott Gould. Actor.
* Eminem, musician.
* Emperor Liu Chi-nu, made medical recomendation for its use.
* Emperor Shen-Nung, made first known medical recommendation for its use.
* Errol Flynn, Actor
* Evelyn Waugh. Author.
* Francis Ford Coppella, Film Director. Mentioned in "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls" by Peter Biskind
* Frances McDormand , Actress. Raising Arizona, Burning Mississippi, Fargo.
* Fats Waller, musician.
* Fitz Hugh Ludlow - wrote 'The Hasheesh Eater'.
* Francois Rabelais. 16 th French author. Recommended it as a food not a high.
* Friedrich Nietzsche, Used it as a medicine.
* Gary Johnson. Governor of New Mexico - Reformer.
* Gene Krupa, Jazz musician.
* George Gurdjieff , Russian Mystic.
* George W Bush Politician and professional hypocrite.
* George Melly, Jazz musician.
* George Soros, Financier and reformer.
* George Washington , grew it and there is evidence that he prepared it for smoking.
* And incidentally many other US presidents use to smoke Hemp. Thomas Jefferson.
* James Madison.
* James Monroe.
* Andrew Jackson,
* Zachary Taylor.
* Franklin Pierce.
* Gerard de Nerval French writer
* Graham Greene, Author.
* Grateful Dead musicians.
* Harrison Ford, Actor. This is a claim made by Bill Maher that has not been denied.
* Hasan I-Sabah (Hasan-bin-Sabah) Leader of the Assassins.
* Heinrich Khunrath, Medieval Alchemist. and Philosopher.
* Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Russian Theosophist.
* Henri Michaux poet and painter
* Howard Marks. Ex-smuggler and Raconteur.
* H R H Prince Harry, Third in line to the British throne.
* H R H Princess Margaret, sister to Her Majesty the Queen. Her son disputes the claim.
* Howard Stern, admitted it on the radio.
* Hua T'o Medical use as anaesthetic .
* Hunter S. Thompson, Author
* Isabel Allende, Chilean author. Mentioned in her book "Paula".
* Jack Kerouac, Author
* Jack Nicholson, actor.
* Jackie Gleason, actor. Another whom the DEA kept on their pot files.
* James Brown, musician
* Janis Joplin, musician. Tried it but "... she didn't like marijuana, it gave her the jitters."
* Jane Fonda, Actress.
* Jennifer Aniston, actress. "I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it", Daily Mail, 11/9/01.
* Jennifer Capriati, Tennis champ.
* Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota.
* Jesus Christ. 'healed using cannabis'.
* Jim Morrison, musician.
* Jimmy Dorsey, Jazz musician, He was on an DEA file of marijuana users.
* Jimmy Hendrix, musician
* Joan of Arc, was accused of using witch herbs (another name cannabis).
* John Belushi, actor. Perhaps not a particularly good role model!
* John Denver, musician. He recorded a song about it.
* John F Kennedy. Politician.
* John Kerry . Politician. US Senator and Presidential candidate. Also see
* John Lennon. musician.
* John Le Mesurier. Actor. Tried it but said it's not for him.
* John Wayne, Actor, "I tried it once but it didn't do anything to me."
* Jonathan Miller, Theatre Director.
* Johnny Cash, musician. Sang songs for NORML album.
* Jon Snow, Channel 4 News presenter. (UK)
* Julia Roberts, Actress, "I smoked dope twice," ..." It made me too sleepy..."
* Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, legendary Los Angeles Lakers Basketball star
* Kary Mullis, Nobel Laurate, Biology. Is on NORML Board of directors.
* Ken Kesey, Author of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" (1975)
* Kenneth Tynan, Playwright.
* Kurt Cobain, musician.
* Larry Hagman, actor, of "JR" fame.
* Led Zeppelin, musicians.
* Lenny Bruce, Comedian.
* Lewis Carroll, Author
* Lewis Wolpert, biologist.
* Little Richard, musician.
* Louis Armstrong, Jazz musician. The 'bust' in his own words.
* Luke Perry, actor.
* Louis Hebert, French Botanist
* Macaulay Culkin. Actor, Home Alone.
* Mark Stepnoski. two-time Super Bowl champ, Dallas Cowboy.
* Mike Bloomberg. New York City Mayor.
* Mike Tyson, Boxer.
* Miles Davis, Jazz musician.
* Milton Berle, Actor another one on the DEA list of smokers
* Mo Mowlam, Minister recently in charge of UK drug policy.
* Modigliani. Sculptor.
* Montel Williams Chat show host.
* Montgomery Clift, actor, mentioned in his biography.
* Neil Diamond, musician.
* Neil Young, Musician.
* Newt Gingrich Speaker of the US Senate.
* Norman Mailer, Author.
* Oasis, Noel Gallagher "smoking cannabis is as normal as having a cup of tea"
* Ocean Colour Scene, "the hardest smoking band in music" Q Magazine. 02/02.
* Oliver Stone, Film Director.
* Oscar Wilde, Author. "Bosie and I have taken to hashish,"
* Pablo Picasso, Artist.
* Pancho Villa, Revolutionary Leader.
* Peregrine Worthstone, former editor of the Sunday Telegraph.
* Peter Fonda, actor. "I don't trust anybody who didn't inhale."
* Peter Sellers, actor.
* Peter Tosh, Poet.
* Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Former Prime Minister of Canada.
* Pink. Musician. Mentioned in Playboy interview (11/02).
* Pink Floyd, Musicians.
* P. J. O'Rouke. Author.
* Pythagoras, Mathematician.
* Queen Victoria.
* Ram Dass, Philosopher.
* Ray Charles, musician.
* Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize Laureate physicist.
* Richard Pryor, actor.
* Robert Anton Wilson. Philosopher .
* Robert Mitchum, Actor, was jailed in the 40s for possession of marijuana.
* Rolling Stones, musicians.
* Rosie Boycott, former Editor of the Daily Express and The Independent.
* Ross Rebagliati, first ever snowboarding Gold Medallist, 1998 Winter Olympics.
* Rudolf Nureyev, Ballet dancer. Also see entry for Margot Fonteyn.
* Rudyard Kipling . Author.
* Ryan Farrell, Australian Sprint Car champion.
* Salvador Dali, Artist.
* Samuel Beckett, Author.
* Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Author.
* Sidi-Hidi. Sacred religious figure of Morocco, believed to have brought cannabis to the Atlas.
* Sinead O'Connor, musician.
* Sir Paul McCartney, Musician.
* Sir Mick Jagger, Musician. Of whom it was written; "Who breaks a butterfly on a wheel".
* Snoop Dogg, musician.
* Steve Martin , Actor.
* Stephen King. Author, "Tommy Knockers".
* Steve Jobs, co-creator of the Apple computer.
* Steven Soderbergh, Film director.
* Stephen Sondheim. Broadway composer and lyricist.
* Sting / Gordon Sumners, musician.
* Ted Turner, of CNN fame. This is a claim made by Bill Maher that has not been denied
* Terence McKenna.
* Terry Pratchett. Author of the "Diskworld" books. A bit of a cheeky claim perhaps, in that he did not object to being given a "cake".
* The Who, musicians.
* Thelonious Monk, Jazz musician.
* Timothy Leary
* Tomas Enge, Formula 3000 World Champion.
* Tommy Chong. Actor with Cheech Marin in "Up in Smoke " - "Cheech & Chong".
* Tommy Lee, Musician.
* Tony Booth, the father-in-law of Britain's Prime Minister. Smoked it in No 10.
* UB40, Band.
* Victor Hugo. Author 'Les Misérables'
* Walter 'Stumpy' Brennan actor.
* Walter Benjamin, Philosopher.
* Wesley Snipes, actor. Has been seen in Cannabis Cafes.
* Whitney Houston, musician.
* William Butler Yeats. Famous Irish Poet and Occultist.
* William S. Burroughs, Author.
* William Shakespeare. Dramatist. More here.
* Willie Nelson, musician.
* Woody Harrelson, Actor and reformer.
* Zoroaster, Persian prophet.