Imam hps zarulju Sylvania
SHP-TS Grolux 400w
Colour Temp (K) 2050
i naletio na hempatiji na rasvjatni kit (reflektor, prigusnica i zarulja), napravili bi mi po izboru kako zelim.. Uzeo bi neku mh zarulju za vegetaciju.. Izaslo bi me dosta povoljno pa rekoh idem i to uzet.
U ponudi su mi:
Lumatek 400W MH
Elektrox 400W MH Grow
- Lichtstrom (Lumen 100 Std.): 32000
- Lichtausbeute (Lumen/Watt): 80
- Mittlere Lichtstrom (Lumen): 23800
Sylvania Britelux 400W HSI-T SX
Colour Temp (K) 4300
Lumen 42000
ali za ovu pise:
- SX family of metal halide lamps for use with a sodium ballast
- ne znam dali bi radila sa mojom green power 400w+ prigusnicom?
Dali je kolicina kelvina najbitnija stavka? Lumatek ima 6400, dok sylvania 4300. Koja bi bila najbolji izbor za vegetaciju?
EDIT nasao ovo na jednom forumu:
5K - 7K Kelvin:
Promotes bushy growth. Ideal for rapid growth phase of plants.
Greatly enhances all-around plant growth when used with super
high output, high pressure sodium or 3K warm metal halide lamps.
4.2K - 4200 Kelvin:
Can be used as supplimental blue lighting when used with a 3K
4K - 4000 Kelvin:
Best single source for plant growth, producing shorter, bushier
growth than 3700 Kelvin and color rendition. Used in general
plant lighting.
3.7K - 3700 Kelvin:
This coated lamp is used in general plant lighting and for more
rapid growth than 4000 Kelvin produces.
3K - 3200 Kelvin:
Highest photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) value of all HID
lighting for all phases of plant growth. PAR watts account for the
nutritional value of light and are a direct measure of the light
energy available for photosythesis.
2.7K - 2700 Kelvin:
Redder color mix, used for propagation, blooming, supplemental
greenhouse lighting.
To bi znacilo da sto blize 7000 kelvina, to bolje i brze ce biljka rasti u vegetaciji. ne mogu fulat sa ovom prvom zaruljom sa 6400 kelvina?
EDIT2: krivo pise na stranici hempatije. ova lumatek zarulja ima 4200 kelvina..