Salata na suncanju:sun2:
h0nda "easy skanking" Prijatelj Foruma 02.03.2016 2.749 14.302 358 06.12.2016 #881 Salata na suncanju Reactions: gica-prasica, Mo1 and hazeri
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 06.12.2016 #882 Auto S.O.D.K Poslednja izmena: 06.12.2016 Reactions: Sativa Diva, lauba, mr_nice and 6 others
Corleonev Aktivan Član 03.09.2016 511 1.637 163 Sicily 07.12.2016 #883 Nije savrseno kao ostale kaj ovdje vidim ali mojem je oku najdraže Reactions: MementoKuri, opa cupa, publicenemy and 5 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 09.12.2016 #884 To je to...taman za teglu..udovica.. Reactions: Green Kitty, MementoKuri, xnibadabi and 11 others
mrmi Aktivan Član 28.10.2014 72 1.078 133 09.12.2016 #885 desetak dana cvata Reactions: MementoKuri, xnibadabi, form and 8 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 10.12.2016 #886 Mrak...the end,konec,gotovo....dan 93.. Reactions: LED i Grad, UROSe, FujznemDzigili and 21 others
blackwidov 18.10.2013 66 248 33 vitality forest 22.12.2016 #887 Getting scrogy Tutankamon x2,NL x1 - Pyramid Reactions: MementoKuri, Vutra Samotnjak, mr.dr.Smok and 6 others
Mo1 Poznanici Foruma Poznanik Foruma 19.03.2016 1.522 16.282 358 22.12.2016 #888 Auto Tutankhamon 65 dana Reactions: MementoKuri, Vutra Samotnjak, mr.dr.Smok and 5 others
publicenemy Xemurai Billionaire High Till I Die 26.04.2009 278 1.238 143 Los Angeles, California 24.12.2016 #889 Najteži, ali i najslađi dio posla, osim pušenja naravno Reactions: MementoKuri, Vutra Samotnjak, petarpan244 and 5 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 26.12.2016 #890 Auto White train Reactions: ganđalf, Green Kitty, mr.dr.Smok and 8 others
Zelenko63 Funky Prijatelj Foruma 13.10.2013 6.052 37.234 2.598 Jupiter 26.12.2016 #891 Moby dick #2 DT Reactions: ganđalf, mr.dr.Smok, Mad Rabbit and 11 others
xnibadabi 30.08.2015 67 122 33 28.12.2016 #892 critical kush levo i mangosapphire desno,pocetak cvetanja Reactions: mr.dr.Smok, MementoKuri, hazeri and 5 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 01.01.2017 #893 Blue dream,HBO Reactions: LED i Grad, pecurko, ganđalf and 19 others
Mo1 Poznanici Foruma Poznanik Foruma 19.03.2016 1.522 16.282 358 02.01.2017 #894 Auto Tutanhamon (P.S) 76 dana HPS 600 Reactions: Joe1234, ganđalf, mr.dr.Smok and 11 others
mrmi Aktivan Član 28.10.2014 72 1.078 133 04.01.2017 #895 dinafem critical cheese i blue cheese cetrdeset i nesto dana cvata scrog Reactions: ganđalf, MementoKuri, form and 10 others
Zelenko63 Funky Prijatelj Foruma 13.10.2013 6.052 37.234 2.598 Jupiter 07.01.2017 #896 Moby dick #2 Reactions: zxw, lauba, Mad Rabbit and 8 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 08.01.2017 #897 Reactions: Sativa Diva, Joe1234, kappkillero187 and 11 others
Mad Rabbit I am not stoned, I am herbally medicated ;) Poznanik Foruma 17.11.2014 2.390 13.411 358 10.01.2017 #898 Northern lights Auto Nirvana Seeds.. Reactions: Mo1, lauba, mr.dr.Smok and 3 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 11.01.2017 #899 Vutra org Reactions: Sativa Diva, banovan240, Rancero and 12 others
PowerSeed fuckin' admin Urednik Administrator 15.10.2006 22.848 44.496 3.198 Bekaa Valley 12.01.2017 #900 Reactions: Sativa Diva, ganđalf, zxw and 11 others