Ak 47 fem. Indoor 2016.
209 Organic wannabe... 19.03.2015 369 2.324 143 Stockton, California 07.10.2016 #61 Ak 47 fem. Indoor 2016. Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Сјај, Badi and 16 others
bandit RDWC 07.10.2014 575 4.048 163 JAMAICA 07.10.2016 #62 power plant-outdoor Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 22 others
Stipe ☠ Urednik Moderator 20.03.2014 12.271 35.857 2.698 Weed California USA 23.10.2016 #63 Blue Thai - Dinafem - Outdoor Red Dragon - Barney's Farm - Outdoor Shiva Skunk - Sensi Seeds - Indoor Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, xx_tani and 38 others
Blue Thai - Dinafem - Outdoor Red Dragon - Barney's Farm - Outdoor Shiva Skunk - Sensi Seeds - Indoor
Himalaya ☢⌛ Urednik Moderator 10.08.2012 6.761 35.548 2.598 12 Himalaya www.vutra.org 24.10.2016 #64 Hans LED Prilozi IMG_3441.JPG 203,9 KB · Pregleda: 63 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 24 others
amrildooo Đed Poznanik Foruma 29.12.2013 426 2.051 143 79 Sumarak 24.10.2016 #65 White Widow Nirvana 2016out Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Сјај, Badi and 19 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 02.11.2016 #66 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Сјај, Badi and 23 others
oz Vutra Veteran Poznanik Foruma 06.03.2008 1.401 7.653 258 Ushuaia, Patagonia 07.11.2016 #67 BlueMammoth Barneys Farm-outdoor Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 30 others
Barbarossa tata brada Poznanik Foruma 20.12.2014 2.688 26.657 1.058 Jugoistočno odavde 13.11.2016 #68 OG Kush auto (Dinafem) 600w Hps Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 23 others
jesam rokenrolerica Urednik Moderator 14.01.2012 2.280 10.325 358 21.11.2016 #69 White Widow, outdoor, Pyramid Seeds Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Grona and 23 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 05.12.2016 #70 Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 12 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 09.12.2016 #71 Auto White widow,Dinafem,HPS Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Сјај, Badi and 18 others
L0oD Form Poznanik Foruma 09.03.2015 5.686 20.018 398 Planeta Zemlja www.vutra.org 10.12.2016 #72 Sour Kush - DNA - Outdore Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 27 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 12.12.2016 #73 Auto Chemdogging,Mephisto genetic,indoor,HPS Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 25 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 17.12.2016 #74 Auto Nothern lights,RQS,indoor Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Сјај, Badi and 24 others
Stipe ☠ Urednik Moderator 20.03.2014 12.271 35.857 2.698 Weed California USA 18.12.2016 #75 Blue Thai - Dinafem. Outdoor Kjurano cca 3mj Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, xx_tani and 41 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 23.12.2016 #76 Auto Blubbery kush,Nirvana seeds,HPS-indoor Auto Sour orange diesel kush,Mephisto genetics,HPS-indoor Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 30 others
Auto Blubbery kush,Nirvana seeds,HPS-indoor Auto Sour orange diesel kush,Mephisto genetics,HPS-indoor
fenomen111 Aktivan Član 23.01.2015 108 335 63 29.12.2016 #77 white widow - autodinafem - indoor Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Сјај, Badi and 25 others
kappkillero187 Aktivan Član 27.06.2015 280 2.237 143 04.01.2017 #78 Sve moje uzgojeno,kronoloski poredano Jack Herer Auto,Greenhouse Seeds,Outdoor 2015. Jack Herer Auto,Greenhouse Seeds,Indoor (400HPS) 2016. Big Devil XL Auto,Sweet Seeds,Indoor (400 HPS) 2016. Durban Poison,Dutch Passion,Indoor (400 HPS) 2016. Bloody Skunk Auto,Sweet Seeds,Outdoor 2016. Reactions: Captain Fantastic, rastagenetic, Northern_island-jonson and 32 others
Sve moje uzgojeno,kronoloski poredano Jack Herer Auto,Greenhouse Seeds,Outdoor 2015. Jack Herer Auto,Greenhouse Seeds,Indoor (400HPS) 2016. Big Devil XL Auto,Sweet Seeds,Indoor (400 HPS) 2016. Durban Poison,Dutch Passion,Indoor (400 HPS) 2016. Bloody Skunk Auto,Sweet Seeds,Outdoor 2016.
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 04.01.2017 #79 Auto Sour orange diesel kush,Mephisto genetics,HPS,indoor Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 26 others
H hazeri . Banovan 25.01.2016 7.664 34.466 2.598 09.01.2017 #80 Moby dick,Dinafem,indoor-HPS Reactions: Captain Fantastic, Northern_island-jonson, Сјај and 23 others