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<blockquote data-quote="truare" data-source="post: 452079" data-attributes="member: 48175"><p>Najnovija istraživanja pokazuju da zeleno svijetlo ipak ima ulogu u razvoju biljke. Navodno se dešava neki ping pong zelenih fotona u listovima dok se ne absorbira većina. Evo jedan citat od Read Speara iz njegove knjige "Marijuana Cultivation Reconsidered: The Science and Techniques For Huge Indoor Yields (MJAdvisor Book 2)"</p><p><em>Interestingly, these scientists also discovered something rather surprising: adding green LED's to the array of diodes actually improves plant growth. Yes, that's right. Green increases growth. How can this be? Don't we know that green light is rejected and reflected by plants? The researchers explain: Although the chances of green wavelengths being absorbed into the photosynthetic apparatus is small, the wavelengths not absorbed are repeatedly reflected from chloroplast to chloroplast in the complex network of photosynthetic cells. With each reflection, a small percentage of those wavelengths is absorbed, until finally half or more are absorbed by most leaves and are used in photosynthesis. When scientists first studied the wavelength-absorbing properties of plant pigments, they did so in-vitro, not in-vivo. In a flask, this bouncing around (and ultimate utilization) of wavelengths does not take place. In leaves, however, it does. Did you know that? Neither did I. I bet the LED designers don't know this either.</em></p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="truare, post: 452079, member: 48175"] Najnovija istraživanja pokazuju da zeleno svijetlo ipak ima ulogu u razvoju biljke. Navodno se dešava neki ping pong zelenih fotona u listovima dok se ne absorbira većina. Evo jedan citat od Read Speara iz njegove knjige "Marijuana Cultivation Reconsidered: The Science and Techniques For Huge Indoor Yields (MJAdvisor Book 2)" [I]Interestingly, these scientists also discovered something rather surprising: adding green LED's to the array of diodes actually improves plant growth. Yes, that's right. Green increases growth. How can this be? Don't we know that green light is rejected and reflected by plants? The researchers explain: Although the chances of green wavelengths being absorbed into the photosynthetic apparatus is small, the wavelengths not absorbed are repeatedly reflected from chloroplast to chloroplast in the complex network of photosynthetic cells. With each reflection, a small percentage of those wavelengths is absorbed, until finally half or more are absorbed by most leaves and are used in photosynthesis. When scientists first studied the wavelength-absorbing properties of plant pigments, they did so in-vitro, not in-vivo. In a flask, this bouncing around (and ultimate utilization) of wavelengths does not take place. In leaves, however, it does. Did you know that? Neither did I. I bet the LED designers don't know this either.[/I] [/QUOTE]
Objavite odgovor
Uzgajanje Marihuane
Unutrašnje Uzgajanje
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