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Red Diesel 70W DWC
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<blockquote data-quote="amneziaHaze" data-source="post: 741350" data-attributes="member: 39158"><p>Bio preko 720 spuatio na 680</p><p>Ph 5.75</p><p></p><p>Popila da valja vode kanta je bas lagana. Stra me ispod ovog nivoa ic dobila je litar ipo lakse hrane sad je nivo negdje na sredini.</p><p></p><p>Fan listovi se fino secere i to je to nista novo danas</p><p></p><p>[SPOILER="RandomWaterLevelCrap"]With water as their growing media, growers can tailor nutrient solution parameters more specifically. Provoking plant responses such as essential oil production, fruiting and flowering are better manipulated when the substrate can be dialed in. For example, higher exposure of the root zone to atmospheric oxygen can help trigger a plant to increase oil production as a means to conserve water, and can also apply mild root stresses that are often interpreted by the plant as reproductive cues. While higher water levels can cause plants to focus more energy on vegetative production, particularly fan leaves, which in turn speeds transpiration and photosynthetic potential.[/SPOILER]</p><p>[ATTACH=full]415112[/ATTACH]</p><p></p><p></p><p>evo jedan razlog zasto radit lolipop ispod pola</p><p>listovi nemaju skoro pa nikako svjetla i izgubili su svu boju popcorni su na velikim razmacima i veoma su mali. al bez problema sve ispod ovog zutog bi mogo skinut</p><p></p><p>[ATTACH=full]415113[/ATTACH]</p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="amneziaHaze, post: 741350, member: 39158"] Bio preko 720 spuatio na 680 Ph 5.75 Popila da valja vode kanta je bas lagana. Stra me ispod ovog nivoa ic dobila je litar ipo lakse hrane sad je nivo negdje na sredini. Fan listovi se fino secere i to je to nista novo danas [SPOILER="RandomWaterLevelCrap"]With water as their growing media, growers can tailor nutrient solution parameters more specifically. Provoking plant responses such as essential oil production, fruiting and flowering are better manipulated when the substrate can be dialed in. For example, higher exposure of the root zone to atmospheric oxygen can help trigger a plant to increase oil production as a means to conserve water, and can also apply mild root stresses that are often interpreted by the plant as reproductive cues. While higher water levels can cause plants to focus more energy on vegetative production, particularly fan leaves, which in turn speeds transpiration and photosynthetic potential.[/SPOILER] [ATTACH type="full" alt="IMG_20210914_164500_937.jpg"]415112[/ATTACH] evo jedan razlog zasto radit lolipop ispod pola listovi nemaju skoro pa nikako svjetla i izgubili su svu boju popcorni su na velikim razmacima i veoma su mali. al bez problema sve ispod ovog zutog bi mogo skinut [ATTACH type="full"]415113[/ATTACH] [/QUOTE]
Objavite odgovor
Uzgajanje Marihuane
Dnevnik uzgoja
Završeni unutrašnji dnevnici
Red Diesel 70W DWC