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<blockquote data-quote="PowerSeed" data-source="post: 420568" data-attributes="member: 1364"><p>"The calyx is a floral structure that forms when the flower begins the budding process; it looks like a tubular sheath surrounding the ovule and pistils. It is composed of sepals, individual plant segments that are often green and occasionally fuzzy. The calyx’s trichomes form with their heads pointing toward the top of the calyx."</p><p></p><p>edit</p><p>evo i za stipule</p><p>"Stipules are outgrowths at the base of stems (petiole); they can grow either singularly or in pairs. Some plants have them while others do not. Stipules may appear as glands, scales, hairs, spines or laminar, leaf-like structures. When making cuttings, remove the stipules (since they are a type of leaf) and any other form of growth at the base of the branch..."</p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="PowerSeed, post: 420568, member: 1364"] "The calyx is a floral structure that forms when the flower begins the budding process; it looks like a tubular sheath surrounding the ovule and pistils. It is composed of sepals, individual plant segments that are often green and occasionally fuzzy. The calyx’s trichomes form with their heads pointing toward the top of the calyx." edit evo i za stipule "Stipules are outgrowths at the base of stems (petiole); they can grow either singularly or in pairs. Some plants have them while others do not. Stipules may appear as glands, scales, hairs, spines or laminar, leaf-like structures. When making cuttings, remove the stipules (since they are a type of leaf) and any other form of growth at the base of the branch..." [/QUOTE]
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Uzgajanje Marihuane
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Prepoznavanje muske/zenske biljke i hermafrodita