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Old School Trim Hash Oil [bez kuvanja] + Hedovacha (vutra rakija)
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<blockquote data-quote="PowerSeed" data-source="post: 467161" data-attributes="member: 1364"><p>uz kafu sam pokusao naci neki podatak o tome "koju kolicinu thc-a moze razdvojiti 1l alkohola", cisto da vidim prica li se stogod, kad naletih na forumu 420 magazina na recepturu iz mog prvog posta <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite1" alt=":)" title="Smile :)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":)" /> post je tamo objavljen 2012 god.</p><p></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">"I make hash oil using this method:</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px"></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">Step 1. Get some alcohol</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">The active ingredients in marijuana dissolve readily in alcohol. BE SURE YOU DO NOT GET DENATURED ALCOHOL. Denatured alcohol contains ingredients that can be POISON. "Denaturing" is a process where they add ingredients to make the alcohol unsuitable for human consumption. If you use "denatured" alcohol, you will wind up with hashish that is unsafe to consume, and it will probably taste terrible, too.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px"></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">Step 2. Grind up your weed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">You will get the most out of this process if your cannabis is ground as finely as possible. You can just soak the leaves whole and get satisfactory results, but grinding the weed will allow the alcohol to get to all the plant fiber to get the most out of it. Just put the weed in a blender and let it run until the material is thoroughly pulverized.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px"></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">Step 3. Soak the marijuana in alcohol</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">Put the marijuana in a jar that can be sealed tightly and pour the alcohol over it. Put enough alcohol in so there is enough to cover the marijuana completely, and then some. Let it sit for about 24 hours. By the end of 24 hours, the alcohol will have turned distinctly green. (If you have real bunk, the alcohol may turn brown.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px"></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">Step 4. Filter out the plant fiber</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">Pour the liquid through a coffee filter into another jar. This will remove the plant fiber and give you a green alcohol mixture that contains alcohol and the active ingredients from the marijuana. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px"></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">Step 5. Let the alcohol evaporate</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">The final step is to pour the mixture into a bowl and let it evaporate. Depending on the amount of alcohol in the mixture, it might take a day or so. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px"></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">This will leave you with a form of hashish. The result will be a thick green kind of tar. It can be difficult to work with or smoke, just because it is so concentrated and sticky, but it is useable at this point.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px"></span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px">I use 99% isopropyl alcohol and let it set 24 hrs then strain it thru cheese cloth and evap the alcohol off using a fan near an open window so it is more like hash."</span></p><p></p><p>nisam nasao nista po pitanju toga koliko thc-a moze "razdvojiti" jedna litra alkohola, al nesto misliom da ce ga "razdvojiti" onoliko koliko ga u biljci ima <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite1" alt=":)" title="Smile :)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":)" /></p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="PowerSeed, post: 467161, member: 1364"] uz kafu sam pokusao naci neki podatak o tome "koju kolicinu thc-a moze razdvojiti 1l alkohola", cisto da vidim prica li se stogod, kad naletih na forumu 420 magazina na recepturu iz mog prvog posta :) post je tamo objavljen 2012 god. [SIZE=3]"I make hash oil using this method: Step 1. Get some alcohol The active ingredients in marijuana dissolve readily in alcohol. BE SURE YOU DO NOT GET DENATURED ALCOHOL. Denatured alcohol contains ingredients that can be POISON. "Denaturing" is a process where they add ingredients to make the alcohol unsuitable for human consumption. If you use "denatured" alcohol, you will wind up with hashish that is unsafe to consume, and it will probably taste terrible, too. Step 2. Grind up your weed. You will get the most out of this process if your cannabis is ground as finely as possible. You can just soak the leaves whole and get satisfactory results, but grinding the weed will allow the alcohol to get to all the plant fiber to get the most out of it. Just put the weed in a blender and let it run until the material is thoroughly pulverized. Step 3. Soak the marijuana in alcohol Put the marijuana in a jar that can be sealed tightly and pour the alcohol over it. Put enough alcohol in so there is enough to cover the marijuana completely, and then some. Let it sit for about 24 hours. By the end of 24 hours, the alcohol will have turned distinctly green. (If you have real bunk, the alcohol may turn brown.) Step 4. Filter out the plant fiber Pour the liquid through a coffee filter into another jar. This will remove the plant fiber and give you a green alcohol mixture that contains alcohol and the active ingredients from the marijuana. Step 5. Let the alcohol evaporate The final step is to pour the mixture into a bowl and let it evaporate. Depending on the amount of alcohol in the mixture, it might take a day or so. This will leave you with a form of hashish. The result will be a thick green kind of tar. It can be difficult to work with or smoke, just because it is so concentrated and sticky, but it is useable at this point. I use 99% isopropyl alcohol and let it set 24 hrs then strain it thru cheese cloth and evap the alcohol off using a fan near an open window so it is more like hash."[/SIZE] nisam nasao nista po pitanju toga koliko thc-a moze "razdvojiti" jedna litra alkohola, al nesto misliom da ce ga "razdvojiti" onoliko koliko ga u biljci ima :) [/QUOTE]
Objavite odgovor
Old School Trim Hash Oil [bez kuvanja] + Hedovacha (vutra rakija)