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Neonske i Fluoroscentne [CFL] Sijalice - Tehnicke karakteristike
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<blockquote data-quote="Kurblaj Kan" data-source="post: 106325" data-attributes="member: 1624"><p>Slučajno sam naišao na razlog zašto an nekim cfl svjetlima piše da se ne smiju koristiti s timerima, odnosi se isključivo na digitalne timere čini se. Piše na wiki stranici o cfl svjetlima</p><p></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p></p><p>Evo kopija točno toga odlomka</p><p></p><p>Use with timers, motion sensors, and other electronic controls</p><p>Electronic (but not mechanical) timers can interfere with the electronic ballast in CFLs and can shorten their lifespan.[77] Some timers rely on a connection to neutral through the bulb and so pass a tiny current through the bulb, charging the capacitors in the electronic ballast. They may not work with a CFL connected, unless an incandescent bulb is also connected. They may also cause the CFL to flash when off. This can also be true for illuminated wall switches and motion sensors. Cold cathode CFLs avoid many of these problems.</p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="Kurblaj Kan, post: 106325, member: 1624"] Slučajno sam naišao na razlog zašto an nekim cfl svjetlima piše da se ne smiju koristiti s timerima, odnosi se isključivo na digitalne timere čini se. Piše na wiki stranici o cfl svjetlima [url][/url] Evo kopija točno toga odlomka Use with timers, motion sensors, and other electronic controls Electronic (but not mechanical) timers can interfere with the electronic ballast in CFLs and can shorten their lifespan.[77] Some timers rely on a connection to neutral through the bulb and so pass a tiny current through the bulb, charging the capacitors in the electronic ballast. They may not work with a CFL connected, unless an incandescent bulb is also connected. They may also cause the CFL to flash when off. This can also be true for illuminated wall switches and motion sensors. Cold cathode CFLs avoid many of these problems. [/QUOTE]
Objavite odgovor
Uzgajanje Marihuane
Oprema za Unutrašnji uzgoj
Neonske i Fluoroscentne [CFL] Sijalice - Tehnicke karakteristike