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<blockquote data-quote="Tarzan" data-source="post: 289216" data-attributes="member: 34738"><p>na koji nacin si klijao, ako si klijao u maramicama moguce da je tu problem, evo sta greenhouse kaze za klijanje obojenog sjemena:</p><p></p><p><span style="font-size: 13px"><strong>IF YOU GERMINATE COLOR-COATED SEEDS, MAKE SURE TO USE A SEPARATE GLASS FOR EACH COLOR.</strong></span></p><p></p><p><span style="color: rgb(212,212,212)">Water slowly dissolves the color-coating, making the different strains unrecognizable.</span></p><p></p><p><span style="color: rgb(212,212,212)">Drop the seeds into the water. The seeds should be left to soak in a dark place at a temperature between </span><span style="font-size: 13px"><strong>20 and 25 degrees C / 67 - 78 degrees F</strong></span><span style="color: rgb(212,212,212)">. A drawer in your kitchen, away from heat sources like an oven, is usually suitable. Check the seeds after 5-10 minutes and tap down the ones that are floating. If they continue to float just let them. After 12-24 hours move the seeds onto a plate, between two wet layers of cotton or toilet paper.</span></p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="Tarzan, post: 289216, member: 34738"] na koji nacin si klijao, ako si klijao u maramicama moguce da je tu problem, evo sta greenhouse kaze za klijanje obojenog sjemena: [SIZE=13px][B]IF YOU GERMINATE COLOR-COATED SEEDS, MAKE SURE TO USE A SEPARATE GLASS FOR EACH COLOR.[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=rgb(212,212,212)]Water slowly dissolves the color-coating, making the different strains unrecognizable.[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(212,212,212)]Drop the seeds into the water. The seeds should be left to soak in a dark place at a temperature between [/COLOR][SIZE=13px][B]20 and 25 degrees C / 67 - 78 degrees F[/B][/SIZE][COLOR=rgb(212,212,212)]. A drawer in your kitchen, away from heat sources like an oven, is usually suitable. Check the seeds after 5-10 minutes and tap down the ones that are floating. If they continue to float just let them. After 12-24 hours move the seeds onto a plate, between two wet layers of cotton or toilet paper.[/COLOR] [/QUOTE]
Objavite odgovor
Uzgajanje Marihuane
Vanjsko Uzgajanje
Klijanje - rast u casi - presadjivanje