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<blockquote data-quote="leemon" data-source="post: 676255" data-attributes="member: 42096"><p>Badi oprosti sto ti spamam stranici od mandale navode da sve preporucene doze po tablicama su ustvari pregnojavanje, primjer:</p><p></p><p><img src="" alt="" class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable " style="" /><u>Canna</u></p><p>Terra Flores (N-P-K: 10-9-19)</p><p></p><p></p><p>Recommended dosage: 5ml/1L</p><p>Recommended frequency: 1-3 x weekly</p><p>5ml/1L = 1.83 EC</p><p>2ml/1L = 1.05 EC</p><p>1ml/1L = 0.76 EC</p><p></p><p>Out of interest we tested the dosage of 5ml/L. If you were to give your plants this dosage they would not be very happy about it. Surprisingly, the manufacturer recommends this high salt level for soil cultivation – a level that is not even used in most hydroponic cultivation! The ratio of nitrogen and potassium is quite dangerous in this fertiliser. Both minerals are present in high amounts but flowering cannabis plants cannot store excess N and K as easily as phosphorous and magnesium. At 20% of the recommended dosage we can water with a safe nutrient solution. </p><p></p><p>Ako netko od iskusnijih moze ovo prokomentirati.</p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="leemon, post: 676255, member: 42096"] Badi oprosti sto ti spamam stranici od mandale navode da sve preporucene doze po tablicama su ustvari pregnojavanje, primjer: [IMG][/IMG][U]Canna[/U] Terra Flores (N-P-K: 10-9-19) Recommended dosage: 5ml/1L Recommended frequency: 1-3 x weekly 5ml/1L = 1.83 EC 2ml/1L = 1.05 EC 1ml/1L = 0.76 EC Out of interest we tested the dosage of 5ml/L. If you were to give your plants this dosage they would not be very happy about it. Surprisingly, the manufacturer recommends this high salt level for soil cultivation – a level that is not even used in most hydroponic cultivation! The ratio of nitrogen and potassium is quite dangerous in this fertiliser. Both minerals are present in high amounts but flowering cannabis plants cannot store excess N and K as easily as phosphorous and magnesium. At 20% of the recommended dosage we can water with a safe nutrient solution. Ako netko od iskusnijih moze ovo prokomentirati. [/QUOTE]
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