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<blockquote data-quote="Prater" data-source="post: 768802" data-attributes="member: 27820"><p>kratak video predsjednice europske centralne banke koja podrzava te zeli ubrzati istrazivanje i razvoj EBSI platforme kao i svih drugih potrebnih dijelova za uvodjenje CBDC-a. krajem ove godine zavrsava uvodna faza koja se bavi istrazivanjem, te bi se takodje trebala donjet odluka hoce li se nastaviti sa projektom. nemam sumnje da ce nastaviti.</p><p></p><p>[MEDIA=youtube]kBVW9T3nxS8[/MEDIA]</p><p></p><p><em>Lagarde: On your question concerning CBDC, you know my views on CBDC and you know that I have pushed that project. Fabio Panetta is working hard on that together with members in the entire Eurosystem with the high-level taskforce that is working really hard on moving forward. But in a way, I am really pleased that attention is now focussed on the role that cryptos can play and the role that Central Bank Digital Currency can have when they are implemented. We have a schedule, as you know. The Governing Council decided back in October '21 to launch a two-year investigation phase, and it is at the end of that investigation phase that the decision will definitely be made to launch the CBDCs and to make it a reality. We can't go wrong with that project. I am confident that we will move ahead, but that's going to be a decision of the Governing Council. I think it's an imperative to respond to what the Europeans expect, and I think we have to be a little bit ahead of the curve if we can on that front. If we can accelerate the work, I hope we can accelerate the work. I will certainly support that and I was delighted to see that in the United States there was an executive order by President Biden to actually expect similar effort and focus and progress on CBDC, cryptos. I think that it will take all the goodwill of those who want to support sovereignty, who want to make sure that monetary policy can be transmitted properly using our currency, will endeavour. On the issue of financial stability, I totally concur with my Vice-President de Guindos, but I will also point you to the last sentence in the first paragraph of our monetary policy statement. I know that there has been an abuse of that, but we mean it. We will take whatever action is needed to fulfil the ECB's mandate to pursue price stability and to safeguard financial stability. So have no doubt!</em></p><p><em></em></p><p><em>--</em></p><p></p><p>EBSI (european blockchain services infrastructure) je platforma bazirana na blockchainu koja bi trebala omogucit digitalizaciju financija (cbdc euro), zatim digitalizaciju osobnih dokumenata kao sto su osobna/licna, zdravstvena, diplome sa fakulteta i drugo - za jednostavniju i brzu identifikaciju. mozda i dokumenti o vakcinaciji, sta li su sve spremili za nas.</p><p></p><p>smatram da je jedan od primarnih ciljeva pojacavanje kontrole financija, a pritom i postepeno smanjenje crnog trzista. kontrola financija za posljedicu ima i pojacanje kontrole u drugim spektrima svakodnevnog zivota.</p><p></p><p>za uvodjenje CBDC-a je potrebno neko vrijeme; uvodna faza testiranja koju najcesce mladi prvo prihvate, zatim postepeno guranje CBDC-a; primjerice tako sto se omoguce razlicite povlastice za korisnike - minimalno subvencionirana hrana i gorivo od strane EU ili neke druge koje mi trenutno ne padaju na pamet. velikim prodavacima bi na neki nacin to mozda i odgovaralo jer bi im se smanjio trosak rukovanja cashom i smanjile provizije koje placaju karticarima tj bankama - nisam siguran u ovo; mozda netko moze reci nesto vise. jedan mali dokaz da se tranzicija moze veoma brzo desit kad se nesto hoce napravit je nedavno uvodjenje eura u hr.</p><p></p><p>--</p><p></p><p><em>Nigerian government blanket banned bitcoin last year and introduced e-naira CBDC. Nigerians rejected CBDC, less than 1% adoption rate while peer-to-peer bitcoin usage soared by 800% and a bitcoin circular economy is now being built in Lagos. The government was then forced to "legalize" bitcoin which probably means they want to get people away from P2P to on/off ramps they can control. Eliminating cash is just another measure to both force e-naira adoption and control on/off ramps to bitcoin.</em></p><p></p><p>[ATTACH]463724[/ATTACH]</p><p></p><p>--</p><p></p><p>ako je netko od citatelja teme informaticki dovoljno pismen i zainteresiran, pogledajte oficijalnu EBSI stranicu koja sadrzi puno potrebne dokumentacije ukoliko zelite pocet gradit nekakav servis. sve je u jos dovoljno ranoj fazi, ali treba reagirat odmah.</p><p></p><p>mene ne interesira pomaganje ekosistemu koji radi protiv ljudi, stoga cu zaobic ali sam htio podjelit malo informacija koje se ticu kriptovaluta ali i potencijalno novih restrikcija u buducnosti.</p><p></p><p>[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]</p><p></p><p>[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]</p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="Prater, post: 768802, member: 27820"] kratak video predsjednice europske centralne banke koja podrzava te zeli ubrzati istrazivanje i razvoj EBSI platforme kao i svih drugih potrebnih dijelova za uvodjenje CBDC-a. krajem ove godine zavrsava uvodna faza koja se bavi istrazivanjem, te bi se takodje trebala donjet odluka hoce li se nastaviti sa projektom. nemam sumnje da ce nastaviti. [MEDIA=youtube]kBVW9T3nxS8[/MEDIA] [I]Lagarde: On your question concerning CBDC, you know my views on CBDC and you know that I have pushed that project. Fabio Panetta is working hard on that together with members in the entire Eurosystem with the high-level taskforce that is working really hard on moving forward. But in a way, I am really pleased that attention is now focussed on the role that cryptos can play and the role that Central Bank Digital Currency can have when they are implemented. We have a schedule, as you know. The Governing Council decided back in October '21 to launch a two-year investigation phase, and it is at the end of that investigation phase that the decision will definitely be made to launch the CBDCs and to make it a reality. We can't go wrong with that project. I am confident that we will move ahead, but that's going to be a decision of the Governing Council. I think it's an imperative to respond to what the Europeans expect, and I think we have to be a little bit ahead of the curve if we can on that front. If we can accelerate the work, I hope we can accelerate the work. I will certainly support that and I was delighted to see that in the United States there was an executive order by President Biden to actually expect similar effort and focus and progress on CBDC, cryptos. I think that it will take all the goodwill of those who want to support sovereignty, who want to make sure that monetary policy can be transmitted properly using our currency, will endeavour. On the issue of financial stability, I totally concur with my Vice-President de Guindos, but I will also point you to the last sentence in the first paragraph of our monetary policy statement. I know that there has been an abuse of that, but we mean it. We will take whatever action is needed to fulfil the ECB's mandate to pursue price stability and to safeguard financial stability. So have no doubt! --[/I] EBSI (european blockchain services infrastructure) je platforma bazirana na blockchainu koja bi trebala omogucit digitalizaciju financija (cbdc euro), zatim digitalizaciju osobnih dokumenata kao sto su osobna/licna, zdravstvena, diplome sa fakulteta i drugo - za jednostavniju i brzu identifikaciju. mozda i dokumenti o vakcinaciji, sta li su sve spremili za nas. smatram da je jedan od primarnih ciljeva pojacavanje kontrole financija, a pritom i postepeno smanjenje crnog trzista. kontrola financija za posljedicu ima i pojacanje kontrole u drugim spektrima svakodnevnog zivota. za uvodjenje CBDC-a je potrebno neko vrijeme; uvodna faza testiranja koju najcesce mladi prvo prihvate, zatim postepeno guranje CBDC-a; primjerice tako sto se omoguce razlicite povlastice za korisnike - minimalno subvencionirana hrana i gorivo od strane EU ili neke druge koje mi trenutno ne padaju na pamet. velikim prodavacima bi na neki nacin to mozda i odgovaralo jer bi im se smanjio trosak rukovanja cashom i smanjile provizije koje placaju karticarima tj bankama - nisam siguran u ovo; mozda netko moze reci nesto vise. jedan mali dokaz da se tranzicija moze veoma brzo desit kad se nesto hoce napravit je nedavno uvodjenje eura u hr. -- [I]Nigerian government blanket banned bitcoin last year and introduced e-naira CBDC. Nigerians rejected CBDC, less than 1% adoption rate while peer-to-peer bitcoin usage soared by 800% and a bitcoin circular economy is now being built in Lagos. The government was then forced to "legalize" bitcoin which probably means they want to get people away from P2P to on/off ramps they can control. Eliminating cash is just another measure to both force e-naira adoption and control on/off ramps to bitcoin.[/I] [ATTACH alt="nigerija.png"]463724[/ATTACH] -- ako je netko od citatelja teme informaticki dovoljno pismen i zainteresiran, pogledajte oficijalnu EBSI stranicu koja sadrzi puno potrebne dokumentacije ukoliko zelite pocet gradit nekakav servis. sve je u jos dovoljno ranoj fazi, ali treba reagirat odmah. mene ne interesira pomaganje ekosistemu koji radi protiv ljudi, stoga cu zaobic ali sam htio podjelit malo informacija koje se ticu kriptovaluta ali i potencijalno novih restrikcija u buducnosti. [URL unfurl="true"][/URL] [URL unfurl="true"][/URL] [/QUOTE]
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