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<blockquote data-quote="Badi" data-source="post: 596652" data-attributes="member: 52772"><p>evo objašnjenja zašto je gotova<img src="/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/runnscissors.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":makaze:" title="Runnscissors :makaze:" data-shortname=":makaze:" /><img src="/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/runnscissors.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":makaze:" title="Runnscissors :makaze:" data-shortname=":makaze:" /><img src="/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/runnscissors.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":makaze:" title="Runnscissors :makaze:" data-shortname=":makaze:" /><img src="/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/runnscissors.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":makaze:" title="Runnscissors :makaze:" data-shortname=":makaze:" /><img src="/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/runnscissors.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":makaze:" title="Runnscissors :makaze:" data-shortname=":makaze:" />...navodi da je za automate najbolji pokazatelj žućenje i otpadanje lišća jer kod njih obično trihomi ne mijenjaju boju tako brzo kao što je slučaj sa fotoperiodnim...</p><p><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><em></em></a></strong></p><p><strong>Yellow leafs</strong> – For autoflowering plants maybe the best sign of when your cannabis is ready for harvest is yellowing of leafs as autoflower trichomes usually don’t change color as fast as it is with photo-sensitive plants. When your plants larger fan leafs are starting to yellow then you can start flushing your plants but when the larger leafs start to fall down by themselves then it is probably time to cut your lady down. But be careful with fertilizers because if you give your plants too much nitrogen in the flowering phase then this leaf yellowing will not happen as fast as you would like and you can miss that peak harvest time.</p><p></p><p><strong><em><a href="" target="_blank"></a></em></strong></p><p>Auto Super Hash can be a commercial strain because it really finishes in just two months from seeds and yields well. The strain grows vigorously and produces resinous buds with crystals covering not only the calyxes but also the bigger leaves. The shape is that of a classical christmas tree with strong and long lower branches. It starts flowering in 3 weeks from sprouts.</p><p></p><p>...počela je sa cvijetanjem nakon 3 tjedna...stara je 64.dana, znači sve ukupno 9 tjedana...znači ukupno cvijeta 6 tjedana...cijela je požutila, a listovi padaju...jesen je tu<img src="/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/thumbs_up.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":thumb:" title="Thumbs :thumb:" data-shortname=":thumb:" /> nemam šta više čekati...sutra ju cepam<img src="/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/runnscissors.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":makaze:" title="Runnscissors :makaze:" data-shortname=":makaze:" /><img src="/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/smajli2.png" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":D" title="Kez :D" data-shortname=":D" /></p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="Badi, post: 596652, member: 52772"] evo objašnjenja zašto je gotova:makaze::makaze::makaze::makaze::makaze:...navodi da je za automate najbolji pokazatelj žućenje i otpadanje lišća jer kod njih obično trihomi ne mijenjaju boju tako brzo kao što je slučaj sa fotoperiodnim... [B][URL=''][I][/I][/URL] Yellow leafs[/B] – For autoflowering plants maybe the best sign of when your cannabis is ready for harvest is yellowing of leafs as autoflower trichomes usually don’t change color as fast as it is with photo-sensitive plants. When your plants larger fan leafs are starting to yellow then you can start flushing your plants but when the larger leafs start to fall down by themselves then it is probably time to cut your lady down. But be careful with fertilizers because if you give your plants too much nitrogen in the flowering phase then this leaf yellowing will not happen as fast as you would like and you can miss that peak harvest time. [B][I][URL][/URL][/I][/B] Auto Super Hash can be a commercial strain because it really finishes in just two months from seeds and yields well. The strain grows vigorously and produces resinous buds with crystals covering not only the calyxes but also the bigger leaves. The shape is that of a classical christmas tree with strong and long lower branches. It starts flowering in 3 weeks from sprouts. ...počela je sa cvijetanjem nakon 3 tjedna...stara je 64.dana, znači sve ukupno 9 tjedana...znači ukupno cvijeta 6 tjedana...cijela je požutila, a listovi padaju...jesen je tu:thumb: nemam šta više čekati...sutra ju cepam:makaze::D [/QUOTE]
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Berba / harvest - procjena