Sweet Tooth Uzdravlje!
masan head Aktivan Član 27.03.2012 814 16.599 333 20.06.2019 #8.281 Sweet Tooth Uzdravlje! Reactions: lemonjuice, Atox, Đorđe Logić and 32 others
Pantagan Form Poznanik Foruma 11.05.2015 3.361 17.047 398 20.06.2019 #8.282 Mendocino Purple Kush... Reactions: lemonjuice, chika Bika, Đorđe Logić and 38 others
Zelenko63 Funky Prijatelj Foruma 13.10.2013 6.052 37.234 2.598 Jupiter www.vutra.org 21.06.2019 #8.283 Proba probić Mini head s dna za probitos. SBR Reactions: Đorđe Logić, čićo mićo, OZIRIS_ and 26 others
lu&k KEMO expirience Banovan 19.03.2016 1.002 12.338 358 21.06.2019 #8.284 Ayahuyasca purple Reactions: zxw, lemonjuice, tetrahidro and 35 others
Stanaccc Banned Banovan 03.10.2018 1.094 7.560 258 21.06.2019 #8.285 Našao malu staklenku, ispod kreveta Reactions: lemonjuice, tetrahidro, čićo mićo and 31 others
oOGreenWorldOo Aktivan Član 23.04.2011 138 930 93 21.06.2019 #8.286 White cheese auto , muffin sa cannabutterom i mrvu ulja Reactions: zxw, tetrahidro, Aaurifex and 26 others
Himalaya ☢⌛ Urednik Moderator 10.08.2012 6.760 35.545 2.598 12 Himalaya www.vutra.org 21.06.2019 #8.287 SLH Reactions: tetrahidro, Đorđe Logić, as-9 and 32 others
Vutra Samotnjak VenloNL Poznanik Foruma 07.06.2010 8.478 43.633 2.598 21.06.2019 #8.288 Blue Mammoth auto Reactions: Grona, zxw, Đorđe Logić and 30 others
Jednomsemora Poznanici Foruma Poznanik Foruma 19.06.2018 1.990 18.973 358 21.06.2019 #8.289 Auto Night Queen Reactions: čićo mićo, OZIRIS_, pikadile984 and 27 others
beštija Prijatelj Foruma 16.03.2012 4.731 30.413 2.598 Svalbard 22.06.2019 #8.290 Grand daddy purple (original) Odstajao 6 mjeseci, danas prvi put otvorio teglu. Reactions: Grona, lariku1312, chika Bika and 37 others
rKj420 2rep❤️ Poznanik Foruma 07.04.2013 1.375 6.807 258 Morocco 23.06.2019 #8.291 ne znam sta je, , uglavnom pravi mesalicu u glavi Poslednja izmena: 23.06.2019 Reactions: zxw, Đorđe Logić, čićo mićo and 32 others
Zelenko63 Funky Prijatelj Foruma 13.10.2013 6.052 37.234 2.598 Jupiter www.vutra.org 25.06.2019 #8.292 Aya. P Reactions: zxw, lemonjuice, tetrahidro and 31 others
Badi ☼ »» 113 «« ☼ Grow Support 30.04.2016 5.102 44.054 2.598 Nevada, USA 25.06.2019 #8.293 Klasičarka Reactions: čićo mićo, Imbra Presvetli, shaolin monk and 19 others
Mo1 Poznanici Foruma Poznanik Foruma 19.03.2016 1.522 16.282 358 26.06.2019 #8.294 Green Crack HS test Reactions: Vutra Samotnjak, čićo mićo, Imbra Presvetli and 22 others
pikadile984 Poznanik Poznanik Foruma 25.04.2015 1.130 5.867 258 santos 26.06.2019 #8.295 Gorilla Cookies mj i vise tegle zlo za oci Reactions: Đorđe Logić, Hrvatska raste 13, Imbra Presvetli and 19 others
Nix0n Let’s make things perfectly clear Banovan 10.09.2015 98 1.396 133 27.06.2019 #8.296 Reactions: Đorđe Logić, scientists, CarobnaFrula97 and 16 others
H Hammer 2 +5 bombi Banned Banovan 24.01.2019 1.347 8.980 258 28.06.2019 #8.297 Ako bude sve kako treba albanka će uskoro na g.o... Prilozi 20190628_101224.jpg 316,1 KB · Pregleda: 96 20190628_120334.jpg 317,4 KB · Pregleda: 95 Reactions: pikadile984, Planer80, Imbra Presvetli and 6 others
Mr. Mojo Risin Active Poznanik Foruma 04.01.2017 979 13.759 333 waikiki 28.06.2019 #8.298 Critical Kush....proba... Toliko... Reactions: zxw, Brufem, lemonjuice and 31 others
Stanaccc Banned Banovan 03.10.2018 1.094 7.560 258 29.06.2019 #8.299 Auto Anubis Tak, tak malo šupljast, ali dobar dim Reactions: superoperater, Đorđe Logić, pikadile984 and 16 others
Mr.420 Aktivan Član 21.07.2017 122 571 93 29.06.2019 #8.300 Edible sa uljem Reactions: Vutra Samotnjak, tetrahidro, Đorđe Logić and 18 others